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Mercury's Blog

A decent weekend

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The bad:

DH only has skids EOWE. I should be able to handle that, right? So many other SMs have it much worse. I used to have it worse. Nonetheless, as the skid weekend approaches the anxiety and dread builds up, boils over, and then sometimes explodes in inappropriate settings (like during my precious skid free time with DH).

To the poor server who got stuck with our table today.

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No, you did not ring up our order wrong. No, it wasn't your mistake. I'm the one who is sorry. I'm sorry we took skids out to eat and you got stuck with us.

I have asked DH numerous times not to let skids order on their own. Usually it's because they order way too much and waste most of it but also because Ss11 has a speech impediment. No one ever knows what he says. My 3 year old niece is more articulate. Plus he doesn't even make eye contact and confirm when the server repeats the order back to him.

Update to -- BM is dating!!

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Back story:

BM has always made a huge production in front of anyone who would listen that she couldn't ever date again. She wrote an email to me shortly after learning that I existed and admitted she wasn't over DH, he was the only man she had ever been with. Ugh. She told DH she couldn't date because their daughter didn't want her to, she didn't have time, blah, blah. Recently, she told MIL that she had in fact been on a few dates but no one wanted a second date because they couldn't deal with her drama. Bwahahahaha!!!

It's not me

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I guess I always knew it but I was really starting to doubt myself over the past year. I mean really starting to feel bad too.

I like kids and they like me. I am childless by choice and never spent extended periods of time around kids but on the occasions that I do interact with kids? They talk to me, they vie for my attention, they talk to me about science and math and everything they are studying in school. They laugh, they play, they are a joy to be around. I was around a bunch of really cool, smart kids today. It was fun.

BM is dating!!!!!

Mercury's picture

Apparently, she thinks it's serious enough to tell DH about it. lmao.

This is the same woman who has stated over and over again how she can't date because her kids are too important to her. She can't date because her daughter doesn't want her to. She can't date because she doesn't have any time. She doesn't have any money. She doesn't have....I don't know, I can't even remember all the nonsense excuses she has used with DH, as if he even cared about her love life.

Back to reality: cue depression and anger and the need to rant

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I had the luxury of escaping the real world for a few days and it was fantastic. Now that I'm back, there is a whole truck load of step drama waiting for me. I can never escape it.

I don't know how much of my depression is related to general Monday, back to the grind, normal post-weekend blues and how much is related to step life but here I am, back on STalk to vent again.

Why can't adults just act like adults? I know that there is a growing child-centric parenting trend in society as a whole and it seems that divorced people with kids are especially prone to it.

Don't open this if you offend easily

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I'm venting about a very specific situation that left a sour taste in my mouth this weekend.

Sunday: the day an imaginary sky daddy takes precedence over a REAL daddy (DH).

Do I really care that SD left *early this morning with her BM because all of the sudden she's taken an interest in a church youth group? Not so much. I'm sick of her yanking my husband around and I'm pretty pissed that she is being allowed to call the shots on visitation. I'm sick of her hurting my husband. She can just stay gone for all I care.

Looking for more resources

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Specifically for DH

I love this forum. I really love it. It has helped me in so many ways and I thank all of you for sharing your experiences, listening to each others irrational emotion-fueled rants, addressing more serious problems, giving advise, allowing me to share my advise, providing a sense of comradery and community. I can't imagine what life would have been like if I had remained isolated in my own thoughts: Am I the crazy one here? Why isn't this step-situation playing out the way I thought it would?

OT-- sort of. I'm watching Sister Wives

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and I'm kind of jealous.

Seriously. Take out the religion and call it polyamory rather than polygamy and I'd choose that kind of step situation over the one I have any day of the week.

Ugh. Bm is up to something. Again. Maybe that's why the life of those Sister Wives looks better than mine now. Lol. DH is having a "date night" with his kids in an attempt to combat some attempted pas. I don't have the energy to go into it but this situation with BM is just wearing me out.
