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Mercury's Blog

A Question for Other Childless Stepparents

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Does anybody else love their pets more than they love their SO's kids?

I'm not even one of those people who think of my pets as my babies....they are adult animals who live with me. I still love them more than the skids.

This is a half serious post. I was reading queenofthedamned's blog about infertility and when the subject of adoption came up it got me thinking. I am capable of loving a child who is not biologically mine, but mine nonetheless. I'm not really sure I'm capable of loving my husband's kids. I can't even force it no matter how hard I try.

Absolutely furious

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And I think my anger may FINALLY be directed at the right person. For the first time ever. Sad

DH is the one who is responsible for all of the BM drama. I really thought I was smart enough to step back and see things objectively. I've been fooling myself.

"So... mom hates me"

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" ____ was bothering me while I was trying to study so I told _____ to shut up and mom yelled at me. She said I was a freak and a weirdo for caring so much about getting good grades. I have 2 tests tomorrow. She kept yelling at me and I told her I hated her. She said 'Good, I hate you too!'"


Yep. This actually happened. My husband's daughter is being made to feel like a freak and a her own mother... because she wants to succeed in school.

In Tears

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Today is the Christmas celebration at my house. It will be DH, me, FIL, MIL, and 2 skids. I love entertaining and hardly ever get to do it so I was actually excited. This is the first year we are spending the holidays as a married couple so I was kind of proud to be hosting a dinner. I prepared all last week for this and right now I'm prepping the meal.

It's not that I think this is an original concept in this group

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but since I'm a newbie to step life and also to this forum, I just wanted to clarify an important point.

I did see the forum topic on what all the abbreviations mean. However, they don't necessarily mean the same things for me as they do for many other people in here. Wink

I don't have step kids. My husband has children.

I don't make a distinction in my life between bio-mom and step-mom. The kids only have one mom. I'm not it.
