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losingmymind's Blog


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So I found out what the new "modification" request. BM is wanting to terminate DH's parenting time all together except for allowing only 2 weeks consecutive in the summer. Can you believe this??!! We just agreed in Feb. of this year and now the monster is wanting to take back what she has already agreed to!!

Someone Help me before I blow a gasket!!!

losingmymind's picture

My bd (5) and bs (7) called SD tonight on the speaker phone. BM answered...didn't even say hello. Just said in a hateful tone...SD is in the shower and will call back, click. Of course we don't act like in our home so bd and bs asked why she was so mean.

So I emailed BM to ask that she conceal her hostility because it might be the kids calling not DH.

I tried to be nice about it but it was what it was...calling her out.

The past month in review...

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wish I could report that this past month that BM has stopped with the lies and put SD first for a change but YEAH RIGHT!!! So, BM had taken SD to the psychiatrist after DH said that he wanted a professional treating SD from now on. SD went back to her moms for a week and went during this week. DH called the doctors office the next day to ask to speak to the doctor to see what he said and was met with unsual resistance.

I'm so MAD!!

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I know I just blogged about us letting go but I am soooo mad!! See, SD is supposed to be coming back to us on Sunday. Last week it was confirmed that she would be driven down to meet us by her step dad and then as of yesterday they are flying her. Great...really doesn't change the gas and miles for us either way. We have to drive 3 1/2 hours to the airport anyway. So BM sends the flight arrangements to DH today. She booked her on a flight that doesn't get in until 6pm.

DH says enough is enough

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We have been contemplating whether or not we want to take on the challenge of going for a change in custody. In this process we have been focusing a lot of attention on getting documentation. Each time we see something our heads spin. BM has been lying much more than we even thought. She believes her lies and them stumbles when questioned about them. I told DH to stop hiding what records that he has because in my mind they are facts and she can't change facts. Well, BM took SD to a psychiatrist. (Dr.


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She psyched out DH!!! She left this message earlier saying she wanted to "confirm plans" so when DH got home he called her. Both phones he said. He came back outside so quick I instantly knew...she wouldn't answer. This was over two hours ago and you guessed...still no call.

She must have chickened out since he wasn't able to talk when her nerve was up!!

CG- what would your BM do here?

Message on Machine

losingmymind's picture

So now after DH emailed her to put in writing what she said last night now BM wants to "confirm plans" with him. Who knows what she has come up with this time. DH isn't at home so he'll have to deal with it when he gets here but why won't she put it in writing? Why call? Can't she talk in writing like he asked??? Oh, riiigghhtt...that would mean putting it in writing for the world to see that she wants it all to be her way!! Amazing!!! Smile Gotta love the predictable!!!
