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losingmymind's picture

She psyched out DH!!! She left this message earlier saying she wanted to "confirm plans" so when DH got home he called her. Both phones he said. He came back outside so quick I instantly knew...she wouldn't answer. This was over two hours ago and you guessed...still no call.

She must have chickened out since he wasn't able to talk when her nerve was up!!

CG- what would your BM do here?


Nymh's picture

BM in our case has done this a few times. Mostly when she had something to gripe at BF about, or plans that she was trying to finalize that she knew BF should legally have a say in. She would either call or email him when she couldn't get him on the phone and say she needed him to call her, give him a time window, and say it was important. Then, when he called, no answer. So he'd call her answer. So he'd call her parents' answer.

Usually when this happened, she'd claim that she "knew he would never call to begin with" and would do whatever it was that she was needing to discuss with him without his approval. Then she'd go on to say that he doesn't care enough about HER SON to call and speak to him regularly, much less when asked. When it is pointed out to her that he called three different numbers trying to get a hold of her, she would claim that the numbers never showed up on caller ID. Come on lady, please. I've heard him dial your number so many times I have the sound of the buttons memorized. I know he called!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Most Evil's picture

Oh well I guess a bogus attempt qualifies as co-parenting???? um no

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin