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A "What if"

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So if you could read your BM's email would you?
I would love to know what tricks she has been hiding up her sleave.
What if she forgot to log off and you went by to pick up the skids....she is in the other room....would you look? Would it make you a bad person? Then what would you do with it?

Just curious to see how far we would go when we already know how far THEY would go!

Is this some form of stalking?

losingmymind's picture

My SD has her own personal email account. I sent her pictures of my other kids, family, etc. Come to find out BM logged in to SD's account and fowarded these pictures to her own personal account as well as her mother's account.

WHY? Yes, she is obviously psychotic but is this illegal to do? What right does she have to email around my children's pictures?

Walking a fine line. Detective or OCD

losingmymind's picture

So BM gave less than a 30 day notice to say that they were moving. Didn't really say buying but insinuated it none the less. So house was easy to find online. Old rental they are currently in is for sale. Showed pics of the inside and all. What is to be new address BM provided is listed for sale "short sale" and shows and active listing. This is all just last week. Today after speaking to some friends in the mortgage industry I decided to peek around again. Backstory: BM said that they owned the house they are currently in = lie.

Someone please tell me what to do!

losingmymind's picture

So we have court in less than 30 days. We paid an attorney. This attorney has not even called us back after we paid him in MARCH! I have called and called. Finally sent in a faxed letter last week begging for some response as to whether we have representation or if he just wants to return our money. His office jumped. Admitted guilt and set up new phone conference. No call again. This was a week ago. No call in yet another week. Now his contract says that the fee is non refundable if we decide to terminate but isn't he the one deciding to breach his contract instead?

Reason I want to contact BM's DH's X

losingmymind's picture

Complicated. See I have always had a really good gut instinct on most things but particularly BM. We asked for insurance cost proof in regards to cs. All that was presented was a letter stating "family" portion and then this was divided by BM's children, her and her DH. Well...what was not mentioned was the fact that BM's current husband who is the insurance carrier also has two children from his previous marriage and I am positive that they were covered the last time we were in court on cs. See, I want to know if they are covered or not.

I don't wanna go to jail but....

losingmymind's picture

I was wondering if any of you have contacted your DH's ex wife's husbands ex wife? Follow?
If you needed to know something vital that you suspected was trying to be hidden from you would you contact? What would you say if you did and what if the ex wife and the new wife are "friendly"? Don't know how they could be with BM but you never do know...

Beat Down

losingmymind's picture

I just feel like opening the window sometimes and running away. I love my family but I just can't take another minute of BM getting into my life. I didn't marry her. Heck, I don't even like her. She has gone and hired an attorney that is a crook. I say that because of his unlawful motion that he has filed. He is trying to say that it should be modified for DH to only get SD two weeks out of the year. Heck, DH's estranged mom sees SD more than that and that woman talks bad about BM right in front of SD!! BM is also wanting to raise child support based on a lie.
