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Lalena75's Blog

this is so nice!

Lalena75's picture

All the kids are here, mine SO's and SO's stepdaughter even came (he's raised her since she was a baby she's 10) he figured she came for presents he hadn't bought her anything since she hasn't spoke to him in months, but he explained why and she was understanding! My daughter even gave her one of her gently used barbies as a gift. My SO is so happy to have them here and his sd told him she was sorry she hadn't visited or talked to him she was afraid and shy to meet me.

Hey guess what this is why you should have a custody agreement SO!

Lalena75's picture

SO's weekend with the kids (by verbal agreement, nothing legal) SO got a nasty text he'd get the kids sometime xmas day, he replied it was his weekend she could have the 9am-2pm xmas eve and 2pm-8pm xmas day. She replied "you lost your right to tell me what I will do, I'll LET you have the kids sometimes sunday you can keep them till monday." HIM "I'll see the kids friday night at 6pm for my visitation" HER "Nope, bye"

So sorry you don't live in reality.

Lalena75's picture

My beautiful daughter had their annual Christams concert it's a big event at the high school every year. Last night SO and I went because he wouldn't have anyone to watch his kids today, and I went again today with my BM since I drove her I sat with her. Now last nights performance SO and I sat right where she wanted us so we could be next to where she was standing. Today's performance I had her make sure her dad and his gf knew where to sit so they could enjoy being next to her as well, my BM and I sat across the aisle so my mom could be next to her as well.

How do I keep my mouth shut!

Lalena75's picture

So SO is currently dealing with both his kids who have misbehaved big time while they were with BM. his son(4) was so bad on a field trip to bass pro the store has said he's no longer allowed there! His daughter(5) called a kid some horrible names got in trouble and refuses to admit she even did anything and the teacher is lying! I want so bad to tell his daughter to stop lying before her dad whips her butt and his son by holy hell would not be watching cartoons at all this weekend.

There may be no Christmas.

Lalena75's picture

Helping SO out I didn't realize how much is spent on weekends when his kids are here, and he hasn't been able to help with bills as he's been purchasing things his kids needed for here (clothes, shoes, coats, and a few small toys since BM now refuses to let them bring anything but the clothes on their backs)I buy the groceries and we both spend a little on our kids if we do something. I'm usually okay financially, but just okay there's never any extra. My ex hasn't payed cs in 2 weeks he was already behind about 1000$ due to erratic and late payments.

Is it harder?

Lalena75's picture

Do those of you who have bio's with your DH and steps find it harder to deal with step issues? What about those who have yours and his and don't share bio's between you? I'm just curious as I wanted to see if the difference really matters.

That "Bitch"

Lalena75's picture

Yeah this is how BM has decided to refer to me why? Because I exist. Never done anything to her or the kids. The kids like me respect me (so far) we all enjoy our time together they listen to their dad (even when BM has to call because the 5 year old is "out of control and hitting me!" and SO has to fix it over the phone) I love how he starts with "want me to come get them and handle them" because obviously she can't what whip a 5 yr olds behind and they don't act like that here.

A little put off

Lalena75's picture

So home from a long day in class (passed my big major test and the class, go me!) get home all the kids are happy to have me home and actually spend some time with me. I ask my kids about their day and...... SO left my 10 yr old in charge of his 4 and 5 yr old for an hour while he ran my DD on some errands and while they played outside. Okay so first issue I have is that is way to much responsibility for a 10 yr old, and both his kids got in trouble said the F word (yeah both of them, yes that F word).

Not bad for a full house

Lalena75's picture

So it's the second weekend of all 4 kids in my tiny house. My kids have made space in each of their rooms for his kids and so far so good. When we had his kids 2 weekends ago I was home all weekend this weekend I'm in class 8 hours today and tomorrow so my SO has had all 4 kids by himself.
