Lalena75's Blog
Doesn't matter it's in the past
I liked the monkey's so I got my own. I will never forget the day I went off on exH for his cheating and he F'n quoted the lion king to me. SO recently was going on about BM and foolish choices and never wanting to be so naive, again and apologizing to me that he ever married her (I haven't complained about his previous choice of spouse) so I said to him "It doesn't matter it's in the past." I can't hold his choice of who he married over his head how would that be fair after all I married my exH and that in the end wasn't any good for me other than the great kids I have.
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Way to go BM keep it up
Well SO got to talk to his daughter last night (not his son because as usual he's not at BM's he's at his uncles according to his sister) When SO got off the phone he asked me if the kids had school tomorrow. I told him mine do and pretty sure his do to as they have the 20th off for presidents day. He tells me that #1 his daughter told him she forgot her folder at school friday because BM picked her up early and said she had an appointment but then didn't take her (the excuse BM gave the school so SO wouldn't be able to pick her up) #2 she stated she didn't have school tomorrow.
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Too much
I don't need this crap. Even the adults think they are entitled. BM snatched SO's daughter from school while we've had her to treat for lice we were keeping her for another week to give her a second treatment and BM went to her school and took her out 2 hours early saying she had a Dr. apt. I think she's running with the kids, SO doesn't think she's that dumb. Clueless much? No co means sh can do just what she did school can't stop her taking the kids. So he's just a wreak because he wants his kids.
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such a good kid
We've had SO's daughter for several days now and she is such a good kid! She's 6 she's polite uses her manners and when I asked my bioD to clean up a mess she asked her if she could help, she helped SO fold the laundry and I sat with her doing my school work while she did hers and she said it was really nice to have someone help her(SO got a bunch of her school work yesterday and its obvious no one works with her) but she's smart so its more she doesn't know what the work calls for not that she can't do it.
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I love my man
I have a wondeful SO, had a long day Friday of clinicals and came home to a yummy dinner and clean house. Slept in Saturday and SO cooked us all breakfast then I ran errands. Now since he lost his job he's been taking care of the house running errands for me when I'm at work and job hunting as well as helping my kids with homework and reminding them of their chores. He was approved for unemployment, and at just about the same time got a call for a job interview doing what he was before but at a better company with better pay and benefits so he's excited.
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I don't know what I want
BM has offered SO whatever kind of custody he wants including primary. He never said anything to me, i found out through other means, he only said he didn't know what I wanted how I felt about things, how my kids would feel so he never responded. Is primary best for the kids? For us? I don't know I think so yes after all I know about their life with her. Am I ready for that? I don't know I haven't thought that far ahead?
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No, No, Hell, No
SO's kids get dropped off (ex said he could pick up son but not daughter so he told her to just drop them both off) and SO is going to take his daughter out for her birthday which was the other day. I take her into the bathroom to put socks on her (it's sleeting and neither kid is wearing socks again) I go to brush her hair and ask her how her day was and she says "I watched cartoons and fell asleep." I ask "How come you weren't at school?" her "we got sent home" me "who sent you home?
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Migraine of wackadoo's
Ended up with a horrible migraine last night, still here this morning. I want to blame a lot of things for it none of which probably caused it but meh. We'll start with wackadoo #1 my ex, for some reason is under the impression he's claiming the kids on taxes (co says I do, every year he doesn't support them over 50%, doesn't have them even close to 50% and is behind waaaay behind in cs)Now before the divorce he went on and on about the taxes, after the divorce he went on and on about them and over and over I pointed out why he wasn't claiming them both the tax laws and the co.
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Vegas and BM freak out
BM found out we are going to Vegas, it's my trip with my mom to see my brother, as a Christmas gift my mom bought SO a ticket to go with. BM has decided he won't see the kids anymore till she gets CS, which he's not court ordered to pay, but there isn't a custody agreement either so. I think the fun part was her jealousy he's going to Vegas, her assumption he had money for that, and her attempts to insult me, which has me and my friends rolling laughing.
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I didn't get a thank you or even acknowledgement
Years of being broke trying to make sure my kids had Christmas I rarely had anything left. Every year I gave my dad and SM at least a card, one year I baked a huge basket of homemade goodies because I had no money but plenty of flour and baking skills and I do my dbread from scratch by hand and nada! My dad NEVER took us Christmas shopping for our BM or SM even when we were too little to know different.
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