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I don't know what I want

Lalena75's picture

BM has offered SO whatever kind of custody he wants including primary. He never said anything to me, i found out through other means, he only said he didn't know what I wanted how I felt about things, how my kids would feel so he never responded. Is primary best for the kids? For us? I don't know I think so yes after all I know about their life with her. Am I ready for that? I don't know I haven't thought that far ahead? I have my own plan B that's kept me going after my divorce can I modify it for two little ones, that depends on SO I suppose and what kind of full time parent he is going to be. My own kids think they'd be better off here with us, even though it would be crowded, 2 more mouths to feed not just eow, school, dr apts. Will he be willing to do the everyday parenting or does he expect since I'm already a mom for me to jump in and do the "mom" work. I think we need a serious talk but I don't know where to start. I have 2 more years of school, and plans for my and my kids lives because they are older and we can travel how do I make it work with much younger ones? I want whats best for everyone. Even if he were to get primary doesn't mean we can have a visitation schedule that allows plenty of time with BM to be mom right? I'm kinda freaked out about this and I really just want to focus on school not this. I like his kids, he's a good dad and doesn't let them run wild or be rude or disrespectful. His parenting is like mine so I don't think we'd clash there. but still.....


Lalena75's picture

Nope next court date is middle of feb and all the sudden BM is acting civil to him about it all and the offer of primary custody came out of nowhere. We think she's moved in with the newest bf and rumor is they want to move out of state. SO just lost his job and his lawyer let's him pay as he goes (another reason this has dragged on both their lawyers only do stuff when they get a payment and she spent a year going to the judge saying she needed more time to get a lawyer. I refuse to give him money for it. It just would seem wrong to pay for someone elses divorce. Then again she could be using him getting primary custody as another stall tactic to "work out" visitation. They both had to go to a parenting class to even start the divorce its a state requirement and there was issues with my SO's record of it which we got fixed but still drew things out. I really want him to make his choice based on what would he do if I didn't exist, but he worries how his choices affect me to.