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My passive aggressive is showing

Lalena75's picture

It's my birthday, MY BIRTHDAY, not skid day, not what do skids want for dinners day, heck not even what my kids want to eat day, mine!
It's not skids get to pick what we do for my birthday just because they go back to BM tomorrow, I don't care if they go home tomorrow, they got in trouble at school they stand it time out. No I'm not playing boardgames with them I'm watching a movie for my birthday. So since my ds is getting on SO's nerves when he would normally get punished by me for irritating him on purpose which is what usually happens when he knows he's bugging people I'm not gonna, I'm just going to say oh well he goes to his dad's tomorrow so I won't put him in time out.


sandy1234's picture

Don't forget to eat a whole box of brownies!! Since worrying about things "tomorrow" is how you guys are doing it, might as well pig out Wink

Lalena75's picture

Got my movie and my cheesecake after I boldly reminded everyone in the house it was my day and I'd kick them all out for the night if they didn't shape up.

Hullabaloo's picture

WOW! And I thought I was the only one who lost her birthday to a skid! We went out to a Fun Center and all of a sudden it was all about SD10 and her friend! Hell, SO's best friend even brought SD gifts! At one point, I went to the bathroom, came back and everyone had left, when I finally found them they were all having fun on a ride without me! I went on the ride by myself. Yet none of them could even fathom why could possibly be upset.

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your cheesecake!