justmakingthebest's Blog
DD14 issues
I thought things were going really good with DD and I. We had some issues when her father pulled some crap a while back, but we came back around and went to counseling. Things were good.
Then when she was in the hospital her behavior was pretty hurtful. When her dad and I were together in the room she was really mean and cold to me. When we were alone, it was fine, her old/normal sweet self.
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After 5 yrs- the judge rendered his decision
This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen! We have been fighting for a judgement on CS and Alimony for 5 years. 5. Freaking. Years!
Our cowardly lawyer sent it in the mail with no heads up. It breaks down that Alimony should have ended in June of 2017 (DH paid until March 2018) but the Alimony amount in this order is higher than what they had agreed on, so I don't know what to do with that!
Then in breaks down CS for every year after 2017. We had been "shorting" cs by $300-450 as the years went. The order says to basically get with DCSE for arrears.
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Curfew- debate with DH
DH was irritated with my dad last night bringing my son (who turns 16 this week) home late.
I told DH that I was irritated too, and would have picked him up myself but when I called they were on the way. They just decided to go cruising around and get ice cream and hang out- without asking me. So what we were expecting an on the way of less than 5 minutes turned into 2 hours. However- he is 16, about to have his license and will be out until curfew starting this week. It was my fault for not being clear on when to be home with BS and my dad.
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Updates from DD's accident
DD14 is doing really well. We spent a total of 6 days in ICU and 10 more in the hospital. We took 2 days driving home from NY to VA, stopping in MD to stay the night at exH's house. Have I mentioned that my husband is the greatest man ever?? There is no way in hell I would have tolerated what DD begged of DH.
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Been a hell of the last 2 weeks
DD14 was in an ATV accident while she was visiting cousins in upstate NY with her dad the day after Thanksgiving. She snapped her humerus in half, lost a kidney, internal bleeding and a chest wound that has required 5 surgeries as of today.
DH and I were in the car about 2 hours north of our home in VA when we got the call that she was in the accident. The 7 hrs to get to her were brutal.
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Background check
I don't know why I never thought of this but on one of my facebook pages in a SM group someone said that they paid for a 30 day subscription for background checks- let her know if anyone wanted to search someone.
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OT- Summoned for Divorce Court
This is kind of a hot-mess express story but here goes: DH and I find a house and move in together. At the end of our Cul de Sac I realize that an old friend of mine from HS lives there with his wife and kids. Our son's instantly hit it off and I think great! Friends to do cookouts with and stuff, right? Well, he barely speaks to me the 2.5 years we live there. I have a "mom" relationship with his wife- mostly just coordinating who has the boys. Whatever. No big deal.
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BM had 2 kids from 2 previous marriages before her and DH married. The daughter is just like mommy-dearest. The son, from what I heard, was a good kid. His dad had primary custody so DH only saw him on school breaks since they were out of state. exSS's dad and SM were helpful to DH and I in the peak of court battles, etc.
Well, out of the blue last night exSS22 messaged DH and asked if DH still thought of him as a son. DH replied with "Yes, but why?". He said it was because DH had been on his mind a lot lately and he missed him.
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Advice- Posting as BM
Some of you remember the drama between me and my ex over the summer. If you don't a quick recap: He has always been an active dad but out of state most of my kids lives. He just retired from the military and decided that at 41 he didn't want to work anymore and wanted me to drop CS significantly. When I didn't agree he tried to get DD13 (only DD not our son) to come live with him and offered her a few bribes which caused a lot of issues with me and DD. Thankfully things have calmed down and everything is back to normal. DD is no longer angry.
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I stand with John
It is a little slow going at parts but it is a devastating story on youtube on parental alienation. Might be worth sharing with your spouses/SO's dealing with this...
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