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DD14 issues

justmakingthebest's picture

I thought things were going really good with DD and I. We had some issues when her father pulled some crap a while back, but we came back around and went to counseling. Things were good.

Then when she was in the hospital her behavior was pretty hurtful. When her dad and I were together in the room she was really mean and cold to me. When we were alone, it was fine, her old/normal sweet self. 

Now, she just came back from a weekend with him and started in on Easter weekend. Her dad is Jewish. We are Christian. In our CO Christmas break to the 26th of December  is mine, the rest of the break  thru New Years is his. I get Easter weekend- no exceptions. Those are my big 2. 

Anyway, passover is coinciding with Easter this year. They are having family from all over come in to town. As a middle ground to allow the kids to see that side of the family, they are going to spend Fri/Sat with them, come home Sat night and spend Easter with me and my family. We thought we found a fair and reasonable plan.

DD is so pissed she was refusing to eat, refusing to talk to me and stating that if I make her come home and not stay with her cousins she will not go to church, or come out of her room for Easter.

This was all up until she was in pain today from accident residuals and needed me to come rescue her from school. 

I just get so frustrated. Why does her dad always get to be the good guy but does none of the actual work? He insisted she go to all her specialist appointments at a hospital that is over an hour away so he could be there (vs. the children's hospital that is only 20 mins from us). Guess who hasn't been able to make a single appointment-- AND HE DOESN'T WORK! He is RETIRED at 41! He had me reschedule 2 appointments that fell on his time over the holidays because they had plans and moaned and groaned about an ortho appointment that couldn't be changed- she HAD to be seen for progression and x-rays. 

But its always like that. Full of promises, Disney dad and I am the bad guy. I make her go to school. I expect good grades. I want her to plan for college. I make her have chores and responsibilities.

I follow up with her health. I am there to save her when she hurts. I do it all, but I am the bad guy. 

I just want to cry. I am so tired of my own child treating me like shit. My son always hugs me and says he doesn't know why she acts like she does. It just sucks. Teenage girls are the worst. 


notsurehowtodeal's picture

I am so sorry. Teenage girls can be awful. I have the best Mom in the world, and I remember a period in my early teens where I felt anger towards her for absolutely no reason that I could figure out. I'm sure you already know this, but the pain and stress from the accident is contributing to her irrational behavior.

At this point, I think I would quit trying to appease him and handle her medical issues in the way that is best for you.

Go ahead and have a "good cry" and do whatever else you need to in order to feel better. Hang in there, things will eventually even out again.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

I think your compromise for the Easter break is a really good one because it is allowing DD to see her family coming in, but also still being present for what is important in your household. 

For any future appointments, I wouldn't arrange it around what works for your ex-DH and do what works for you and your DD and if he moans about it just say how you have scheduled past appointments around his schedule and location, but he didn't make it to a single one so you are not going out of your way moving forward for him to not show again.

As for your DD and her attitude towards you, like the poster above, my teenage years, my mom and I did not get along pretty much at all sophmore year or junior year. My parents are together, but I preferred my dad over my mom during this time period and felt he was more understanding than my mother. In college, our relationship got a lot better and especially senior year of college. Sounds like your DD is stubborn and strong willed which later in life can be good because you know she can stand up for herself, but at this point in life it is negatively impacting your emotions and mental health. Growing up my mom would tell me "I am your mother and I am not here to be your best friend or even your friend. At some point you will understand and respect this." I HATED when she said this growing up because I was a know it all teen and was like "no shit" in my head. Now, as an adult I totally understand it and that is how we raise SD and how we will raise ours children as well. 

Your relationship WILL get better, but unforunately it won't overnight. Just has a lot to do with teen emotions and hormones. As women, we tend to be way more emotional when someone you are trying to do the right thing for is not appreciative and instead is hurtful, but men usually are less emotional during disagreements with their children. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I can't help but wonder if she treats you poorly (especially in front of her father because a) he makes it harder on her if she's nice to you and 2) it's easier to be poopie to you because you'll forgive more readily. 

Regardless, it's crappy. {{{hugs}}}

ESMOD's picture

Teen girls are the pits at times.  shoot BEING a teen girl was the pits haha.

I think that sometimes we are crappy to our parents because it's "safe" they will still love us.  They can be going through things with school.. friends.. life.. boys and it becomes the parents who get the brunt of the attitude.

Of course, since your DH is the parent most out of reach to her... in a way she probably feels less secure in being a butthead to him (thought who knows.. maybe she does there too)

But, it's easy for him to set up the scenario where "too bad you will miss that time with your cousins".. but I think a stern.  Well.. you know, I'm making an exception as it is so you can go for passover... if I really wanted to be an ahole I wouldn't even agree to that.  Take what you get and be lucky you are getting that.  

And.. stop twisting yourself around on appts... make them when and where is convenient to you.

JRI's picture

I think kids rebel against the parent they sense is strong enough to take it.  Something tells her Disney dad can't handle it.  He is already showing proof of undependability in this urgent medical situation.

advice.only2's picture

So is it possible her father is a bit of a Disney Dad so that's why right now it's easier to want to go be with him, especially now that he lives so much closer?   Or is it that right now in this cycle of her life she is relating more to her dad and feels she needs him more right now?  Either way the teenage girl attitude is rough!  Hang in there you are doing great and someday she will see that you were there for it all and she will appreciate that you have that bond.

Survivingstephell's picture

I let my oldest go live with her dad. They were scheming behind my back so I called their bluff.  He was just doing it for the money.  She came back and I had to get her healthy again.  It was a lesson in who her dad truly is.  He made all kinds of promises but didn't keep them.  Didn't keep food in the house for her.  It was a travesty.   Not saying we didn't have our arguments but the respect for my role as mother came back when she did.  

justmakingthebest's picture

I am not willing to play those games. 

I am not worried that she wouldn't be cared for properly if she did go there- her SM is great. However, back and forth isn't an option. 

If I honsetly thought that she would have more opportunities there or that she would get something there that she can't here- I would consider it. However, I live in the better school system. I live in a very sports competitive area. Her friends are here. My whole side of the family is here, so is her SM's family for that matter. Her dad and SM are military and live where they live (3hrs from us) due to orders- there is no family close. There is nothing other than her dad making it seem like things would be rainbows and sunshine and she would never have a chore, could go play travel ball, he could even homeschool her-- all of which wouldn't happen. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

As everyone has said teenaged girls can be awful.  

The next time she is being mean when you ex is around, confront her behaviour once he's gone again.  She's fundamentally a good child so even if she gaslights you when you tell her to not treat you badly because it hurts your feelings, it will prick her conscience and may help to stop her being a pain in future.

justmakingthebest's picture

Thanks ladies. I wish I knew how to make it better, but it is just the roller coaster of parenting I guess. This too shall pass, right?