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justmakingthebest's Blog

New Child Tax Credits

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I have reached out to my CPA but they are not even sure how this is actually going to work. Maybe you ladies have been able to find out more?

We get SS every other year. I get my bios every year (part of my divorce, I did not take alimony or retirement benefits - he is military and we were married more than 10 yrs). 

Last year we claimed SS, we got his stimulus $ in our tax return. 

We believe that since we claimed him last year, we will get the tax credit for him as well. You can't opt out of 1 of 3 kids. 

The not knowing and anxiety

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SS is supposed to be here on Tuesday. We of course have no word from him or BM if he will be arriving. SS did not acknowledge DH on fathers day. I tried to reach out to him 3 times over the 3 weeks before (once a week) to ask him about gifts for DH with no response. So basically same ol' same ol'.

What part of we quit don't you understand?

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I had to call our lawyer again yesterday. BM still hasn't produced her financials that were subpoenaed before court back at the beginning of May. Lawyer asked when SS was coming out for summer, I told him. He asked if we thought he would show, I said no. He started going on about "well if he doesn't just call and I will get the next hearing-" I cut him off and snapped at him. WE ARE DONE. That is what we told you when we left the last trial. That is what we have told you in every e-mail. WE ARE DONE.

NSMR- Need advice for DD13

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Ever since my exH made a bunch of false promises to DD she has decided to make everyone in our home's life a living hell. She is mean and vicious. I have no idea what happened to my daughter. 

I have talked with her SM who told me that she is really bad there too. DD was with them for about a week and 1/2 and during that time SM texted me and said that we should look at a 5 yr boarding school and go halfsies. (It was a joke, but at the same time, you can tell her frustrations are high too).

Teenagers and cars

justmakingthebest's picture

BS15 is coming up fast on being able to drive. My receptionist wants to get rid of her car and get something bigger. It is a cute little Chevy spark hatchback. I have been eyeing it thinking it would be a great size first car for BS. Well, she said she would sell it to me for 3K, and it is worth (KBB) $6,100.00. So, it is a good buy and exH said he would split it with me if it mechanically checks out- Awesome! We also think it would be good for him to keep learning on the car he will be driving. 

This sucks

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We got our latest attorney bill in the mail and a few days before court in April he had subpeonaed for BM's tax returns and bank statements. She still hasn't turned them over. I am not surprised, just frustrated. I just want this to be over. Give us the financials and let us move on! I emailed our lawyer but haven't heard back yet. 

SS has cut off DH again. Hasn't spoken to him since court. He is supposed to be out at the end of the month. Who knows.... I want to make plans but our plans will vary based on him coming or not. So I am just stuck. 

She got away with it

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I dont know why I even thought there was a chance. She got away with everything. The judge said "while her behavior is borderline, it doesn't justify contempt. 

I hate the world right now. 

Oh, and the judge said he is going to take all the financial stuff under advisement. So, not even a ruling on that. 

Whatever. We quit. We told the lawyer we aren't going back. We are done.


SS21 - He loves me!

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(SS21 tells people I am his mom but still calls me my first name)

Yesterday was my birthday and I was opening up cards from my family and opened one that said "Mom" on the front- thinking it was from DD or DS. It was from SS21 and inside he wrote "Thanks for being the best mom EVER!" - AND before bed he gave me a HUG!!! Almost 7 years in and I think that has only happened one other time! (He doesn't like touching people)

You guys... my heart! He still uses my first name when talking - Which is fine! I didn't come into his life until he was 14 and he is a grown man now! 
