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evilstepmotherJ's Blog

SS15 and twitter

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I'm always blogging about my SD19 but I also have a SS15 who we don't see or hear from aside from the pre-birthday and pre-christmas text. When I first married DH 4 years ago SS lived with us but he hated rules and chores and went to visit his BM one summer and just never came back. He has not come to visit in over a year and we hear he hates DH. Its a shame because the kids seems to have forgotten all the good times we had (and there were many). He doesn't even know we built a house or anything about us except I'm assuming what SD19 has told him.

Detachment rocks!

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My SD19 who mostly wants nothing to do with DH and I texted me the other day, apparently her and her BF want to go on vacation to the same place we took her and a friend to many years ago and she wanted to know the name. How she can afford a vacation is beyond me, although I guess it's easy to have extra cash when you are living rent free with your bf's parents.

Crazy making

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Poor hubby, his mother did not have cancer but apparently did have surgery to repair more than one hernia caused by her cancer surgery last year and how did DH find out about this? On FB of all places. Apparently talking to his mother at Christmas was not good enough and she decided to "punish" him by not telling him about her surgery but instead her sister posting it publicly on FB.

Well, that felt good :)

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Finally deleted and blocked all of DH's family on FB and it felt wonderful. I kept holding out hope (crazy I know) that I didn't hear what I heard on Christmas night, or that there was some reasonable explanation (i'm forever the optimist) but I woke up the other day and it hit me, they are bat shit crazy and nothing is every going to change that. I got a nice cup of coffee and just kept hitting block: Dh's mother, his Aunts, their kids. Such a freeing feeling.

MIL and her husband - it's all my fault

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Marrying a single dad with two kids is hard enough but it sure gets tougher when DH's mother and stepfather keep sticking their noses in our business. I had thought when i married DH that his mom and stedad liked me. I had also thought that my DH and his mother were somewhat close. I would push us to get together with them at their home for dinners and such. His mother would sent me nice birthday cards and was always nice to my face.

Sucker punch to the gut ends Christmas day

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Nothing like a sucker punch to the gut to end Christmas day. DH called MIL and got his stepdad on the phone first and one of the first things out of his mouth is to bitch out DH because he doesn't call his mom enough. DH explained that he accepts phone calls on his phone as well as his mother but that wasn't good enough. His SD then asks him how he can charge his daughter (SD19) rent after she quit college, and DH explained that is what is wrong with kids these days, they want to suck off the tit too long.

Do SK's really think we can't see what they are up to?

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SD19 moved out recently because she quit college and we were going to charge her rent. She is now living with her BF's mom and dad. She made sure to mention to DH that she would be stopping by on her birthday (hmm wonder why). So, she stopped by to see me on Friday night (DH was at work), I gave her a big hearty Happy Birthday and then followed up with "sorry I didn't get a chance to get you a gift but we were so busy over Thanksgiving", so she left to visit DH at his job. He told me later he did the same thing, I big hearty Happy Birthday, sorry no gift, too busy.

Best Thanksgiving Ever

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DH and I both agree, that was the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever. We spent it alone together, painting and organizing the garage. No family, no SK's and absolutely no drama. I roasted a large chicken with all the fixens that we ate after finishing the garage, then couch time with DH and lots of movies. It was back breaking work, but we have completed our first project in our new house and it was wonderful. We may have to boycott more holidays.

Ooops forgetting SD19 birthday

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My SD's birthday is this Friday, if you have read my previous blogs you will see that she just up and moved out after she quit college and we asked her to start paying rent. She is now at your BF's parents house. She mentioned to DH on her way out that she will be stopping by on her birthday, of course, she wants some $$$. Every single year for my birthday, she does nothing but this past year (Oct) she said on my birthday "oh, I am going to get you something but i haven't gotten it yet", I laughed it off thinking yeah right, like all other years past.

She is all moved out (SD19)

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I guess she couldn't wait until Sunday to move out. DH caught her and her BF off guard on Friday when he dropped off his car at the garage and walked home. He was making dinner when her and her BF came in to load up her bedroom furniture. He said she seemed very surprised to see him at home (no car in the driveway). I'm so thankful that DH had to work that night because I think that really helped to keep him busy and keep his mind off things. I'm also thankful that they got her stuff out early as it gave me time to clean her bathroom and get things done around the house on Friday.
