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Crazy making

evilstepmotherJ's picture

Poor hubby, his mother did not have cancer but apparently did have surgery to repair more than one hernia caused by her cancer surgery last year and how did DH find out about this? On FB of all places. Apparently talking to his mother at Christmas was not good enough and she decided to "punish" him by not telling him about her surgery but instead her sister posting it publicly on FB. I have them all blocked (MIL and all her sisters) but DH does not, last night he was shocked to see a post from his Aunt about how thankfully they are that MIL pulled through the surgery and how scary it was because they found a blood clot in her lung. He feels terrible and has no idea how or if he should reach out to his mother now. I have never seen a more passive aggressive family. He knows in his heart that his Aunts post is on FB just for him, a nice jab in the side. The Aunts went back and forth about how they need to spend as much time as possible with her just in case, yup, directed at DH.

What kind of mother doesn't call her only son to tell him that she is having surgery?? It just boggles my mind...So far he is ignoring his Aunts posts and has not called his mothers home because he does not want to talk to his stepdad after the fiasco at Christmas. My only comments to him were that perhaps his mother wanted to keep this surgery private and/or she didn't feel it was that serious but I know he is being punished by her, in her mind if you don't call me enough, i won't call you when something serious comes up. She did this once before and told us "oh before you hear it from someone else....." In my family we tell family serious matters first, not last.

Crazy making people.......


furkidsforme's picture

But wait....

SO isn't your DH reading this news on FB and then NOT calling his mother to ask her why she didn't tell him and to let her know it upset him that he didn't know just him being as equally passive aggressive right back?

Seems like DH is just playing the game. A passive aggressive person has a very hard time playing their game with someone who is simply direct, honest, and mature.

Your DH is being petty and just as bad as her.

furkidsforme's picture

Well worded, Tog.

And you make a very valid point.... the posters DH can't control how his mother behaves, but he CAN control his reaction and stop playing into the game.

But I have a hard time feeling pity for someone because their Mom is playing passive aggressive games when they are playing them right back in spades.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I agree with all of you. I think he's not reacting at this time because he's not sure how to react. Being raised in such an unhealthy environment has him very confused and I do hope that he will reach out within the next day or two. At this point he has no idea where she is; hospital or home. I think this will weight heavily on his mind today and he will take some sort of action soon. My suggestion was exactly the same as yours "I saw Aunt _____ post on FB, are you ok? I think he was taken aback by it all late last night and isn't sure how to react especially since he called them on Christmas he was basically bitched out by his stepdad. I can and will suggest again that he at least try to call his mom at home and if the stepdad gives him crap to just tell him firmly "I am calling to speak to my mother, not you".

evilstepmotherJ's picture

His Aunts are trouble makers and nasty ladies, so I'm sure the post was a dig just for him. BUT I am proud of him, he just called the local hospital (on his lunch hour) and she was there so he kept it light, told her he read about her surgery on FB and wanted to make sure she was ok and of course she said she's fine and it was no big deal. He then told her to let him know if she needs anything (as she will be in the hospital for a few days) and he left it at that. Came down to a 5 minute conversation but at least he was the bigger person about it all.

His entire family down to his kids are all the same way, everyone is "fine" yet talking behind our backs. They can't seem to just express themselves so they just do an avoidance dance. Quite the opposite of my family who is loud and just says it like it is.