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Best Thanksgiving Ever

evilstepmotherJ's picture

DH and I both agree, that was the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever. We spent it alone together, painting and organizing the garage. No family, no SK's and absolutely no drama. I roasted a large chicken with all the fixens that we ate after finishing the garage, then couch time with DH and lots of movies. It was back breaking work, but we have completed our first project in our new house and it was wonderful. We may have to boycott more holidays.

SD19 did as she said and stopped by yesterday for her birthday. It was a nice visit and I said Happy Birthday, so sorry we don't have anything for you but we have been so busy with the garage. She said that was ok but I know that her visit had less to do with seeing us and more to do with getting a present. Told DH I just could not get her anything after she told me that she can't work full time and that she has enough money. All while i'm working a full time and a part time job. Nope, not giving her my hard earned money when she "has enough". Not my kid, not my problem. DH didn't even get her a card. She of course, had to brag on FB about her "mommy" surprising her with a visit. Made DH sick but me, just don't care anymore. What a wonderful holiday Smile


HungryEyes's picture

fDH and I did the same thing. WE went to the mountains for Thanksgiving with good friends of ours and spent our days reading, relaxing, watching football, hot tubbing and bow chica wow wow...Best Thanksgiving Ever!