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Ooops forgetting SD19 birthday

evilstepmotherJ's picture

My SD's birthday is this Friday, if you have read my previous blogs you will see that she just up and moved out after she quit college and we asked her to start paying rent. She is now at your BF's parents house. She mentioned to DH on her way out that she will be stopping by on her birthday, of course, she wants some $$$. Every single year for my birthday, she does nothing but this past year (Oct) she said on my birthday "oh, I am going to get you something but i haven't gotten it yet", I laughed it off thinking yeah right, like all other years past. Well, low and behold a few days after my birthday I woke up, opened my bedroom door and there laying on the floor was a hand written note and a $30 gift card. I was shocked. I sent her an email thanking her and that was that. DH's birthday she gave him a hand written note and threw $30 at him and said "here, i didn't know what to get you". So.....with Thanksgiving being a week late this year and preparing for the festivities I think i'm just going to forget her birthday this year. DH has to work Friday at 3:00 and if i'm upstairs in our home I just can't hear the doorbell. Here's hoping I can do what she does so well and avoid her all day Friday. DH mentioned having to get her a birthday card, then laughed and said he thinks he's just going to throw her $30 and skip the handwritten note. These kids are going to learn by example one way or another.


z3girl's picture

I don't acknowledge SD22's birthday. I leave that entirely up to DH. I used to remind him of it, but stopped, so he has forgotten on occasion. She has never acknowledged mine, and she occasionally acknowledges DH. She's got a mother who can celebrate her birthday.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I used to remind DH about calling his son, his mother, etc. Whoa have I learned my lesson after hearing how badly they talk about me. Funny, but he never calls them anymore. And I certainly am not going to remind him ever again.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

That's awful! I threw my SD a party for her 15th birthday and her 16th, even invited her BM to that one and got stuck entertaining her through out it. Last year for her 18th, even though we didn't have the money, DH wanted to get her a $250 pandora bracelet, had to charge it, he wanted to make her 18th very special. Money we didn't have but he did it anyway. She never even wears it, i'm not even sure if she still has it.

toywas's picture

I learned the hard way that I give myself the best birthday ever EVERY YEAR! I do something for me once a week for the entire month (mani/pedi, movies, get my hair done, a massage, whatever I want!) I don't rely on my DH or anyone for a fantastic "me" day.

As for my SKs, my DH used to give them money for their birthdays but that stopped once we were married because it was never reciprocated from them. One SSs wife (38) literally stormed in my house several years demanding her birthday card and money. I asked where our cards and money were? She stood there like "what?" I finally had to tell her that we will give you what you give us - NOTHING! She stormed out and word got out that I was (still is!) a bitch to her.

I like the idea of the card and $30.