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GBM passed away yesterday.. what now???

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So according to SD19 Facebook, GBM passed yesterday afternoon. I talked to Aunt J and apparently MIL found out that SD was in Pittsburgh.. which is where GBM was, which I did not know. I guess they airlifted her from here a couple of weeks ago and took her there for a possible heart/lung transplant, but she was not a candidate. Now, I'm not a Dr. and I don't play one on TV, but I could tell you the woman would not be a candidate... she's been an uncontrolled diabetic for years, has smoked 2 packs a day since Jesus was a baby and was obese... but whatever.

Would anyone like to donate to SD's Go Fund Me?

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So yesterday afternoon, SD created a Go Fund Me asking for money for "Funeral expenses and support" for her family. I'll share what she wrote (I changed the names):

"removed because apparently what she wrote can be searched and takes you to her stupid page... but I see none of you have donated yet so what are y'all waiting for? lol

GBM on life support

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Supposedly, GBM had a heart attack last week and has been on life support ever since. DH got a text from SD last Tuesday or Wednesday that they were taking her off life support in 48 hours. DH was like so? Of course SD19 was putting feelers out for sympathy and money to get her back here. DH didn't fall for it. The same crap just happened with her Grandpa BM in October. You can only cry wolf so many times before nobody cares. DH said GBM being on her way out is almost the best news he's heard, he said the only thing better would be if BM1 was on life support with her.

GRRRRR So mother trucking annoyed right now

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So DH barely talks to SS18... if he DOES talk to him, it's because DH is calling SS not the other way around... UNLESS.. SS wants something. So Sunday, DH gets a text from SS asking if he can have some money because he is going shopping with his GF this weekend... since DH didn't buy him any school clothes. Yeah, the fucking punk actually said that. Why the hell would DH buy school clothes for a kid who doesn't go to school?? SS is a Sr. and only has 11 credits of the 21.5 that he needs to graduate. He's NOT going to graduate for 2 years at best...

omg it gets better and better!! lmao

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So remember a year or so ago I was pissed because MIL paid at least one month if not more for BM1 storage unit because she felt bad for her and didn't want her to lose everything?

Guess who's unit is on Craigslist right now, up for auction on the 8th for non payment? Yep BM1. Bet MIL will be glad to know she wasted her money on that stupid skank. She'll never learn.

OK revised gather round post. BM1 mug shot for your viewing pleasure!

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Got a text message from a friend on Sunday that BM1 got arrested on Thursday night and her mug shot was on line. So of course I had to check it out! Sure as shit she got arrested for aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Bail was $100.00 and she only spent 30 minutes in the clink.. but the mug shot that I get to share and make memes with and laugh my ass off at, is well worth it. Her arrest stemmed from a warrant that had been issued earlier in the day and funny thing is..

I cried over a freaking muffin

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Yes, I stopped at Dunkin this morning and thought I'd treat myself to a chocolate chip muffin. After I paid at the drive-thru, gal says, "oops, I didn't realize we are out of chocolate chip muffins, do you want pumpkin"? NO gross. "Do you want blueberry"? NO gross. I ended up with honey bran which would have been fine except when I got to work I realized it had raisins in it. Blech! As I pulled away from the window I started crying. Over a fucking muffin. This is what these fucking skids and BMs have done to me.

ACT VII of SD Horror flick

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So I did a bit of research yesterday on psychopaths/sociopaths (apparently the two are synonymous) Most of the articles I read said that it can be genetic and also that there is no cure, no drug, and once a person is in their late teens presenting these behaviors, you can expect that this will be their life. Intensive psychotherapy can be beneficial in SOME cases, but there is no proof and obviously it is difficult to get a sociopath to participate because they think there is nothing wrong with them. Of course I was not shocked to see that SD18 possess every single trait of a sociopath.
