OK revised gather round post. BM1 mug shot for your viewing pleasure!
Got a text message from a friend on Sunday that BM1 got arrested on Thursday night and her mug shot was on line. So of course I had to check it out! Sure as shit she got arrested for aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. Bail was $100.00 and she only spent 30 minutes in the clink.. but the mug shot that I get to share and make memes with and laugh my ass off at, is well worth it. Her arrest stemmed from a warrant that had been issued earlier in the day and funny thing is.. the warrant had a completely different mug shot which means she's obviously been arrested multiple times. But nothing fazes this clan.
MIL said BM1 was late to her own father's funeral a couple of weeks ago. Also said that CPS showed up at her apartment because her 2nd to youngest kid hadn't been in school for weeks. Also found out from Aunt J that the reason I saw BM1 driving a car with out of state plates on it when I dropped SD off a couple of weeks ago was because it was a rental. BM1 apparently rented this car for a week, with plans to go to Aunt J state and pick up SD and bring her back for Grandpa BM's funeral.. but somehow Grandma BM managed to come up with the cash to fly SD home, so BM1 just drove the car around town for the week. WTF? I mean this chick hasn't had a job since Jesus was a baby, has 4 kids besides SD with 2 other baby daddies, has a total income of like $800.00 a month with welfare and SS.. yet has money to rent a car and just drive around town, buy a $1500.00 dog, and of course never pay a penny in CS for SD18?? DH and I think that she is selling prescription drugs. She's definitely doing meth... just look at her most recent mug shot.. maybe she's selling that too?
At any rate she is a hot freaking mess of a skank, that one is.
This pic is of her arrest mug shot from Thursday. Looking snazzy BM!
- DaizyDuke's blog
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Oh girl... She looks ROUGH.
Oh girl... She looks ROUGH. Has no one told her that crack kills?
39... going on 65
39... going on 65
Omg. She looks so bad! And
Omg. She looks so bad! And old!
My friends and I are 7 years older but look much younger.
i'm actually surprised she
i'm actually surprised she doesnt look much worse. she looks like most of the folks around here. but there is a difference between the two shots. i've shown you dumb@$$' havent i?
I don't know? I don't
I don't know? I don't remember!
I can't wait until step kid's
I can't wait until step kid's bm gets arrested for something!!!!!!!!! I know it's just a matter of time
I know right? I check the
I know right? I check the county jail app every couple of days KNOWING that I'll either run across BM1 or SS17... guarantee his mug shot is on the horizon.
I don't know if she's a
I don't know if she's a barfly? That is one thing I've never heard about her.. being a boozer. But she definitely smokes her cigs and definitely has been doing drugs for years now. She sounds like a man when she's calls DH.. thankfully as soon as DH hears her voice, he usually hangs up on her... and especially now that SD is 18 he won't be speaking to her AT ALL!
Lord, I'm 4 years older than
Lord, I'm 4 years older than her and I look 14 years younger than her!
I'm 6 years older than her
I'm 6 years older than her and pretty sure I look 10 years younger than her.... at least I hope so! lol :O
She will be that 98 lb
She will be that 98 lb weaking squinting with a ciggie in her fizog; same sort of rode hard and put away look that Chef's older sister has.
She's about as big around as a pencil, chain smokes, boozes up the ying yang and is tattooed all over. She's a wrinkled prune from sun worshipping as well. With fake blonde hair of course.
Only problem is she's pushing 62.
Oh I'm sure they would hit it
Oh I'm sure they would hit it off just swimmingly. Barf! :O
I'll admit that I saw a pic
I'll admit that I saw a pic of BM when she was in her early 20's (which was when DH in all his idiot glory knocked her up) and she was pretty. Unfortunately, years of smoking and drugs and whatever else she does have not been kind to her. And unfortunately, she has been given many opportunities to change the course of her life.. but she CHOOSES to act the fool and associate with fools.
....and you two are too kind.. lol I'm pretty average, but thanks for making a gal feel speshul!
well $#!t... i cant remember
well $#!t... i cant remember if i ever saw a pic of daizy!
a few months back, dh's friend was at the house doing something for dh in the garage. dumb@$$ inexplicably pulled up, spoke to lurch for a minute or two, then left. (she and he talked in the driveway right in front of hubby and friend, so no secret convo or anything.) anyhooooo, next time friend was over, i had to show him dumb@$$' "before" picture so he wouldnt think hubby spawned three kids with that skank-@$$ trashy looking ho-bag waste of oxygen. cuz she really was very, very different.
i'll pm you a pic, daizy.

Tuff... one time years back
Tuff... one time years back probably 7 or 8 years ago, we were at a concert at the fair with some friends of ours...very nice people but also both big cooperate execs who DH really thinks highly of. After the concert when we were walking through the grounds getting something to eat etc. we ran into the BM1 clan...BM1, GBM, some of BM1 kids (I'm pretty sure that SD was old enough that she was off with friends as I don't remember her being with them) they tried to stop and talk to DH and he just kept walking and tried to pretend he didn't know them. He was soooo freaking mortified for our friends to know who they were. I felt awful for him.... but laugh about it now.