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GBM on life support

DaizyDuke's picture

Supposedly, GBM had a heart attack last week and has been on life support ever since. DH got a text from SD last Tuesday or Wednesday that they were taking her off life support in 48 hours. DH was like so? Of course SD19 was putting feelers out for sympathy and money to get her back here. DH didn't fall for it. The same crap just happened with her Grandpa BM in October. You can only cry wolf so many times before nobody cares. DH said GBM being on her way out is almost the best news he's heard, he said the only thing better would be if BM1 was on life support with her. I told him to be nice. Don't think he will. SIL#2 and MIL are friends with BM1 on Facebook and said that apparently BM1 has been posting videos of GBM laying in her hospital bed on life support. WTF?

SD texted DH this morning and said that she is coming home on Saturday. Oh looky there.. it's the first of the month! That means, since GBM is still kicking, she's getting her free money, so I'm sure the clan is using that to fly SD home. DH said SD said they could get together if he wanted. He told me he really has no interest... I'm sure SD will make sure of it though, so she can be certain to get her Christmas gift that she thinks she entitled to. You know how this time of the year makes all the vultures come out and play. Sad

I do feel bad for SD and BM1 and the clan. They just lost Grandpa BM in October and now Grandma BM. I really, no joking, have been saying prayers for them all, I wouldn't wish heartache on anyone, especially at this time of the year. But I'm certain that SD will rebound quickly just like she did with Grandpa BM. I'm guessing it won't be long before BM1 is in jail again. I'll be sure to share her latest mugshot with y'all.

I guess the good news is that if SD is coming home now, she won't be coming back for her Christmas break and thus won't be here for Christmas.. so hooray for that!


Tuff Noogies's picture

daizy - you've implied twice that G-bm passed, but also said that she was still kicking. i'm corn-fused!!!

congrats on the Christmas news Wink

DaizyDuke's picture

Grandpa BM passed in October. Grandma BM has been in a nursing home since maybe May? of this year.. according to MIL as of Octoberish was actually talking like she was going to leave nursing home and go back to living with the clan. Apparently she had a heart attack last week and is on life support. Last week, the clan was saying she was being taken off life support in 48 hours. Apparently that did not happen, or it did and she is still kicking. She's still alive as far as we know.. which is why I guess SD is coming home Saturday? To see her before they take her off of life support? I have no clue.

Sorry for the confusion. Anything to do with the BM1 clan is hella confusing!!!

Acratopotes's picture

SD will not leave without a gift and cash.... or maybe they only got her a one way ticket...

Sorry about the grans,