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Who leaves their kids' baby pictures behind??

Catmom024's picture

My SO and I have been together for ages.  His kids are grown and independent (thank goodness).  I found his old photo albums in a large plastic storage bin out in the garage (still packed up from when we moved here over 3 years ago).   I'd seen them before when they were still at his old house (I didn't live there). It just hit me...these are his kids baby pictures,  pics of his ex when she was pregnant,  pics of her baby showers, pics of the kids' first Christmases,  Easters, birthdays,  etc.   Why didn't BM take them...or at least some of them...with her when she left?  They were always just sitting on a shelf at his old of the kids could have very easily grabbed them for her even after she left. I just find it odd that any mother would leave that behind.   Of course I guess she was in a big hurry to shack up with her boozer boyfriend. And no, I'm not going to throw them away,  set fire to them, etc etc.  I'm not doing anything with them and doubt he will either,  they'll probably just stay out in the garage.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo did. Apparently all 'Ho cared about was her next booty call(s). DH gave the pics to the skids; except for those of him and the skids sans 'Ho.

hereiam's picture

I guess they were just not that important to her or she just didn't think about it when she left.

Would SO's kids want them?

I'm with you, I see no reason to throw them away or set fire to them.


Kes's picture

Somewhat bizarre on BM's part.  When I was preparing to leave my ExH, old photos of my kids was one of the things that was most important.  I was scrupulously fair and only took half, but they were almost my top priority.  

advice.only2's picture

I agree with heriam, time to have DH contact his kids to come grab some photo adlbums.  After my ex and I divorced I removed all photos of him from the photo albums and packed them away.  My DH only had a hanful of photos of him and Spawn when she was little because Meth Mouth kep tall the rest.  When he and I started dating she suddenly gave him a bunch of old photos, of her and him, he just threw them away.

SeeYouNever's picture

Other than his clothes and one dresser my DH left with some pictures. Even if you can't leave quick enough pictures are some of the few things you take... 

This may be a blessing for the stepkids, if BM had taken them they may have been lost or damaged by now. At least they're safe for the kid. I'd offer them to your SKs once they have moved out into their own places.