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The subject of guilt

Catmom024's picture

A friend of mine who had been through a divorce once told me that her divorce attorney told her "guilt can be a wonderful thing."  Her stbx husband felt guilty and was giving her whatever she wanted in the divorce settlement.

Seems guilt is a wonderful thing when it comes to some of these BMs (the dysfunctional,  high conflict type, not all BMs).  Seems guilt is also a wonderful thing for entitled step kids.

What I see a lot of is the complete lack of any type of guilt when it comes to the current partner of these men.  These guilty dads/exhusbands can fail to protect their new partner from their ex (BM) and skids and not only not feel any guilt about it, but often turn things around to be OUR fault (you just hate my child/are jealous).  They toss out the new spouse/partner in a heartbeat rather than make their kids/BM act right.

I wonder why that is?  We're simply not as important?  It would be too much work to acknowledge how the new spouse is being treated and do something about it?  They'd have to face the truth?  That their sh*t parenting has created entitled monsters?


thinkthrice's picture

They would have to admit that they aren't good parents.  They hate that their current partner can see through all the BS, therefore 2nd class citizen status.

Catmom024's picture

Yeah they want their partners to be deaf, blind and mute, with a permanent idiotic smile on their face.

Lillywy00's picture


Unfortanately I ended with one of these types and I'm frustrated and sad. 

I think they're just experiencing their own tramas etc and it's best to step away and let them handle their stuff until (or IF) they're able to have healthier partnerships with other new partners

Harry's picture

They still LOVE BM. It's BM who wanted the divorce. Not your SO.  They still want that "Happy Family". The one they dream about but never had.  They give BM everything and then think the new GF will pay for there mistakes.  Not only pay for them but pay for BM.  Giving BM so much CS they can't afford to live in the YMCA .  But GF will work and make up for everything 

Lillywy00's picture


This is exactly how maladjusted bio parents think. And there are A LOT of them like this. 

I hope more unsuspecting women (and men) start refusing these opportunists

AlmostGone834's picture


Some guys will go down with the ship (dump off on SM to continue to please BM and the skids). Others will bail out (Put BM/skids in their place and protect SM). When things go south and there's no fixing it, the only way to find out which camp they fall into is to sink the ship (say Goodbye) and see what they do.

Lillywy00's picture

When the "mother of my children" is just an un-motherly breeder on 18year layaway 

Mmy response is "why aren't you with the mother of your children then?" "Why did your marriage fail?" 

A lot of people hold so much weight in being "good" parents and having "good" "long lasting" marriages that when the reality hits.....they cannot and will not accept reality 

these types of people are emotionally unavailable, incapable of being good partners, should just be single until their kids are 18 and stop being opportunistic/duping people into free slave labor disguised as a relationship

Catmom024's picture

It doesn't end when the kids turn 18. My S.O.'s kids are early to mid 30's and they and the ex (through the kids) are still using the guilty daddy syndrome to manipulate their father.  It never goes away.  It can get a LOT better,  but the kids and ex are still capable of inflicting bullshit. 

PetSpoiler's picture

People, mostly men, will do whatever is easier on them.  It is easier on them to pacify the ex or the skids.  It's not really them putting the ex or skids first, they're putting themselves first.  They also won't stand up to their mothers.  They have to learn that it is far worse to anger their wives.  They need to understand that they are married to their wives, they have to live with their wives, and the wife will be there after the skids are adults.  The ex and the skids won't be the ones holding their hands and taking care of them in their old age.  

Catmom024's picture

Yes, I agree!!  It seems they're more afraid of their kids and ex's than their spouse and it's easier to just keep them happy and easier to have the spouse mad/unhappy.  I've been on StepTalk for ages (had a different user name), and other step parent forums.  Many times I've seen a guilty daddy end the current relationship with the new spouse, toss it aside with  no problem, because he refuses to change, accept reality, and not parent out of guilt.  

ESMOD's picture

It's not necessarily just "easier".. but the stakes of their kid being mad.. or firing up the EX.. could result in reduced time with their child.. when they already may feel they get little enough time.

PetSpoiler's picture

That is true too ESMOD.  My husband was like this for a time.  SS lived with us but DH lived in fear of her taking him back to court and getting custody back and getting more child support.  Never happened.  I don't think the BM in our case wanted SS back.  Like ever.  BM, for whatever reason, backed off later.  I'm glad she did.  It was  around the time she left the state, I got pregnant a couple of years later, and SS was getting older.   She just decided to stop.  It took a long time for me to let go of the resentment I felt towards my husband for "keeping the peace".  

I noticed the "keeping the peace" attitude when he dealt with his family as well though.  That took a while to overcome.  He finally realized it was much worse to anger me and that the spouse comes before the in-laws.  I also helped him see that he didn't have to put up with their BS that was annoying HIM.  He has no trouble setting boundaries now.  His family hates it.  We cut ties with some of them, including SS.  

I didn't grow up with his family dynamics.  Mom wasn't a HCGUBM.  Dad had no problem with telling us or his relatives no.  Part of that was due to my mom in the early years of their marriage.  She helped him shine his spine.  She was happy when he remarried and never interfered.  They didn't follow the CO because she let him see us as much as he wanted.  She felt that he's our father and shouldn't be restricted.  The judge complimented my parents on how amicable they were.  Not the norm around here.  

Lillywy00's picture

This is why dating men with kids should be a dealbreaker (I know it will for me in the future)

Who wants to constantly be held emotionally / financially hostage by some man's conniving ex wife? 

I don't like the feeling of being on eggshells in my home I pay bills in just so these snowflakes can be pacified 

if these dudes feel the need to run a beck n call service so they don't upset their fragile exes/spawns then they need to do that crap elsewhere or do it as a SINGLE man. 

My resources = my rules 


ESMOD's picture

Unfortunately, it's not always easy or black and white in steplife.

I would say on here that the majority of stepparents (incl me).. are women.  And.. the majority of us have partners that are the NCP.. or at best 50/50.. For a variety of reasons.. but generally the court system still favors the mother as the nurturing and caregiver parent.. and see the (typically).. higher earning father as the financialy supporting parent.

So, you have men that are left in a tough position where they are already at a disadvantage.  They love their kids, but are given little time with their kids.. and just like the kids of many two working parent households.. they don't want to spend the small amount of time that they have with their kids fighting.. feel that they don't have the influence in the little amount of time they have.. and do not want their kids to start refusing to visit.  Since BM often holds the cards on visitation (even with a CO).. the BM can make it difficult for the NCP to have access to their child.  We see it all the time on her.. BM's not cooperating.. not enabling phone calls.. etc.. so the NCP wants to do nothing that will upset the apple cart with their kids or their EX.  

And.. the reality is that with the BM.. there is really not a whole lot someone's DH can do to "make her behave".  They can try for reasonable boundaries on communication, but in the end.. if the BM is a primary parent.. they may have to deal with them to get access to their kid.. and what are they supposed to do when BM makes a snide comment about their partner.. sure they could stick up for them.. but that's taking the bait and potentially escalating conflict that could impact their ability to see their kids.

And.. the kids themselves.. they are often in the middle.. they very quickly realize if they can walk all over a parent.. they also can resent being forced into a new dynamic that is fairly clearly driven by the new partner of their parent.  And.. we see this.. guys that didn't have many rules or expectations for their kids the couple days every other week.. they get a new GF or wife.. and all of a sudden.... there are expectations for chores.. for behavior.. etc.. that clearly aren't dad's idea.. so while they may be reasonable.. it's easy to see how kids could be resentful.. and if there is a bitter EX? they are happy to feed that fire.

And.. in the end.. I think that our SO's can become frustrated when we expect them to fix things that may not be fixable.. or may seem to have few real good options.  And.. there are cases where the step parents are particularly demanding and difficult too.. so there is def a mix.

Of course we want and expect our partners to have our backs.. but they also want to be there for their kids.. and many men just aren't all that practiced in raising kids...and may not even have them enough to make a huge impact.. so they end up doing the disney thing.. and resenting their partners for setting expectations they feel are impossible.. and yes.. when the kids are "attacked" it is also an attack on the parents by extension.. and a judgement and people often resent being judged.

I have found I got the most traction when I tried to craft things as being good for or helping the child.. vs complaining.. and fortunately.. my DH has a serious aversion to his EX.. so he communicated with her as little as possible.. but I know if she said stuff about me.. he would just ignore it.. and be off the phone as quickly as possible.

Lillywy00's picture

These men are DELUSIONAL if they they women want to be held hostage along with their a$$ and cater to these exwives / skids 

If they are guilty = they need therapy

If they have high conflict exes = they need to stay single

If they have demanding needy lazy kids = they need to stay single

I don't see how setting standards is "attacking" skids but I guess that's how they interpret it. If skids are that fragile then they need therapy to build confidence. 

Show me anyone who isn't living in the wilderness who doesn't have to follow some set of societal rules/standard. Heck even some animals in the wild have expected patterns of behavior amongst the group. 

The problem is these people aren't ready to start new families / blend families and rather than just acknowledge it / stay single .... they rope unsuspecting women into their family dysfunction and expect them to stfu/be the sideshow assistants

Catmom024's picture

Yes, setting standards is seen as attacking them AND their precious perfect children..  I'd beg my S.O. to discipline his children and set boundaries and his response would be to freak out and say "I will never abandon my children!!!".  Like seriously,  WTF???  

Lillywy00's picture

They want to be willfully obtuse when it comes to holding their  feral kids responsible for their behavior so they can simply do nothing, coddle, and pacify their fragile snowflake spawns 

Harry's picture

These guilty divorce parents. Decided to get remarried or get into a new relationship..   They should be going in at the same state as the first relationship.. SO is first. No otherthing /other person matters.  SO is on a pedestal,,,     But they go in still hooked up to the EX and there kids. ' Most likely the EX wanted out, '''They want back in with the EX. [ I know they all say that they will never go back... Don't care. ... But when the chips are down ]

OK..granted .. it's there kids. They have responsibilities to there kids.. they enjoy there kids. ..  Then STAY OUT of other peoples life's and enjoy fatherhood./ Motherhood...But once you involve someone else ...Things have to be different.  
It's  always amazes me.. That these people want to bring steplife  to a other person.. but they don't get involved with other people with children..They don't want to be SP.. 

'No  really wants to parent your kids.. No one enjoys your kids.  No one will be willing to take a bullet for your kids..

'No one wants BM/BF to control your home.  They want schedule,, what they have a say in . Not schedule that change 60 times a hour.  They want there money from there work going where they wanted it to go.  Not that CS is so high...New expenses ever day..  1/2 medical bills for ingrown nose hair..field trips.  Band... sports.. water polo.  That there money goes to run the home because parents are tap out .  
'you and the EX. Went on your honeymoon alone. You went on vacation alone.

Now you want to bring the kids on your honeymoon because BM needs surgery on a arm boil and will be sideline for the length of said honeymoon/.  And next summer you want to go to Lego land for vacation.  

ESMOD's picture

The thing is that it isn't all or nothing.. not all kids priority .. nor all SO priority.  All situations and all relationships can be a bit different.. and so many things can vary.. age of the kids.. geographic location of people etc.. 

If you are with a person who has children from a prior relationship.. you have to accept that they have a prior obligation to those kids.. and have a lifelong tie to their EX.... Whether it's a tie that requires ongoing communication or not.. depends on a lot of factors.. but I don't think that you can expect your partner to always place your desires in front of their children's.. 

And.. by the nature of MINOR children.. they rely on their parents to provide them and they are entitled to be provided support and support services.. food, housing, clothing.. transportation.. parents.. are obligated to provide that.. and just paying CS isn't really fulfilling their full obligation to their children.. they should be present in their kid's lives.

But.. when you marry a spouse.. you also are making a comittment that they will be a priority in your life.. but at times.. yes kids will come before your spouse.. but there will be times a spouse can come before a child.

Theoretically.. your partner can take care of their own needs.. but children can't always do that for themselves without parents helping.. and that is why it often comes down that the kids get precedent.

maybe that means some parents should not date.. but it may also mean some sparents shouldn't date someone with kids..if it is going to prove too difficult to share their partner's resources. (time, attention.. etc).. (not saying a sparent has to share their resources with the skid.. at all to be clear)

Lillywy00's picture

Kids do have needs that come first BUT guilt riddled parents cannot distinguish between wants and needs. 

With these types, new partners/Spouses needs will often times (if not all the time) come after exwife and kids wants. 

I raged at this guilty Disney for multiple days when he insisted his exwife drop those skids off at night when I was in the depths of full blown COVID felt shitty / needed rest and was not capable of being responsible for their kids while she got respite / free weekend while he worked overtime (none of that money came to this household)


It was the epitome of inconsiderate 

their wants came before my need to heal/rest

And it wouldn't have killed them to wait until the next morning to pick them up. 

I still haven't forgiven him for that. 

And I started refusing exwife drop offs because my house ain't respite care, she's getting paid child support to take care of them (so take care of them till dude gets off work), I didn't see a dime of that overtime money come through this household. Rather than leave work early to help out he was more concerned about using me while I'm sick and vulnerable to line his pockets and pacify his exwife and kids  

these people were just using me under the guise of "kids 'needs' come first" 

Lillywy00's picture


And this is one of the major reasons why people with kids' second marriages have an even worse fate / fail more often.