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BM has been telling some of my good friends who I attend church with that I had sexual contact with DH while they were still married. She also said that we started a serious relationship that tore apart her marriage. :jawdrop: None of this is true. Yes I knew DH while they were still married I met him in scripture study so I knew his face but we never even as much as sat next to each other. It wasn't until after he divorced her that we even began talking and even then it was just a refreshing friendship that led to talks over brunch once a week.

When they don't want to leave BM at pick up

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I hope I'm not the only one this has happened to. We went to pick up the kids for mid week visitation they didn't want to leave for whatever reason. DH kept telling him its time to go. BM asked can they just stay this once. DH told the kids he cant force them to leave but he will be very upset if they don't come. BM actually started with the water works and the twins were mad at DH for hurting their mommy's feelings and trying to take them away from her. BM told the kids they don't ever have to go to their dad's house if they don't want to because he is the one they left them anyways.

Off Topic/ Unruly teenager displaying odd behaviors

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My friend has a 15 year old daughter. This girl is a tyrant. She and her brother and sister are staying with me while her parents are taking care of family matters. This young girl tells me how she is bullied at school. All I see is her being a big bully. Not wanting her younger sister to look at her or touch her. She says she hates her younger sister and says if they were left alone together one of them would end up dead. Every time we are watching television she laughs when someone gets injured or dies.

I am scared of BM

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This woman frightens me. She has started to show up at my church. When DH and I were dating she bashed him for going to my church and now she wants to join and get baptized. She will sit in the pew across from me and just glare at me the whole service. She is still dressing like me but she has taken out those awful hair extensions. I feel like she is always watching me. I am not easily spooked but I just get a strange vibe from her. I can't say this for certain but every so often I see a car that looks like the one BM owns driving up and down the street in front of my house.

BM trying to look like me

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I really have a feeling that BM is sick in the head. I don't want to ever say I regret marrying my husband. I just think that the wedding was hard on BM and she fell off the coo coo's nest. She has never really been right in the head but she starting to act very strangely. She has changed her look to look very similar to mines. I cover up a lot I'm a long skirt long sleeve kind of woman and BM has always been the more revealing type. I have wild auburn curves that reach my waist.

BM Walking into my house

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Yesterday BM brought the kids by to give DH some father's day gifts. She just walks into the house behind the kids like she owns the place. I tried to close the door before she walked in but she bumped me out of the way. DH tried to ask her to wait outside for the kids but she ignored him and gave him a wrist watch that had bought for him. He said thank you politely and tried to get her to leave. I whispered to her if she doesn't leave I'm calling the police and I don't want to do that in front of the kids.

MIL has BM and DH's wedding picture on her wall

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DH and I went buy MILs house to drop of some wedding pictures. She has this big picture in her hallways of DH's first marriage with BM. DH gave her one of ours to replace it. She doesn't want to replace it. She hung our picture in the dining room but still has the one from the first marriage in the hallway. She says she doesn't want to disrespect BM and hurt her feelings by taking down her pictures. She still calls BM her daughter. She told me not to be offended that I am a sweet girl and she is happy to see DH happy again.

Am I wrong in feeling offended?

BM getting dressed up for drop off and pick up

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Yesterday at drop off BM walks out in a bikini top and short shorts like up the butt crack short. Apparently she just got back from the beach with not a drop of sand on her and completely dry. I don't know about you but when I get home from the beach I don't dry off and put my bathing suit back on. I just feel like she is trying to get all sexy in an attempt to attract DH. Its pathetic and disgusting and her body was not meant for that outfit. Like a pig squeezed in a bikini.
