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WWSMD's Blog

Something is wrong with BM

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BM called in the wee hours of the morning panting asking me to tell DH that when he picks up the kids after school for mid-week visitation to keep them the rest of the week. I asked her why and she told me not to worry about it and hung up. DH called her back and he said she was panting and sounding panicked and begged him to keep the kids for the rest of the week. We agreed to keep the kids but she was scaring us so I Asked DH to take a drive with me past her house to make sure she is ok. She answers the door in her bathrobe and we can hear her boyfriend inside calling her.

Was it right for me to tell BM how I felt?

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BM called and was badgering DH about mid week dinner tomorrow. She thinks the kids need saving from me and that they should not have to respect my authority or even address me during their visitations. DH tried to interject and explain that kids need structure and discipline and that he nor I are out to get them but if they misbehave there are consequences they will have to face and that he would appreciate BM working with him and not going behind his back telling him that we are mean. BM asked to talk to me.

BMs behavior yesterday

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You should see the way this woan conducts herself and in church no less. She bumbs me in the hallway. Whispers out me and gives me icey glares. Giggling with her boyfriend durning prayer. Letting her boyfried smack her butt on the way out of church. After church is over and we have dinner with the kids its time to drop them off at BM's house. Now in my church we do not believe in drinking or smoking but BM comes out with a cigarette looking like she downed a few. Wearing yoga pants and a work out bra. She tried to kiss DH on the cheek and he had to pyschially hold her off of him.

Should I have not laughed? BM desreved this karma IMO

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At a church event last night the lady sitting next to BM starting fidgeting and scooting away and then she lets out a squeal. After church I asked her what happened and she said they saw a roach climb out of BM's bag and it was huge. Dinner was served and it was quiet and then you hear BM scream and throw her purse. I think she saw another roach. I laughed and DH told me to shhh. It was so funny.


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After the twin boys cut my hair wednesday and all DH did about it was tell the one who actually cut my hair to stand in the corner for 5 minutes and then apologize. Because DH didn't want to punish his kids he got punished by proxy. He was grounded from sleeping in the same bed with his wife, getting intimate with his wife, getting home cooked meals from his wife and getting any sort of special attention from his wife. He was informed he would continue to be grounded until he dealt with his kids or my hair grew back whatever comes first.


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Yesterday was DH's mid week dinner with his kids. I worked long hours so I fell hard asleep on the couch. I felt a tug on my braid and when I opened my eyes all of the way I came to the realization of what had just happened. A big chunk of my braid had been cut. Both of the 7 year old twin boys went running. DH went after them and after finger pointing figured out which one of them had done it and made him stand in the corner and apologize to me.
