BM making up stories to the kids
Twin SSs came up to me and told me an insane story that BM told them as if it were truth. They said their mommy said.....
DH left her because he got tired of being a daddy everyday. That he wanted to feel young again so he went and found me. That they still love each other and that once he is done having fun he will realize he made a mistake and come back and be their daddy everyday again. Really BM? Come on know. You have been divorced for years he is married to someone else now please move on. Seriously she has always been annoying but its like after the wedding she just can't hold it together anymore. DH told the steps that the story is not true he loves them everyday and he is their daddy when he is with BM and when they are here with him. The twins believe DH but SD9 believes BM.
- WWSMD's blog
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That is such a horrible thing
That is such a horrible thing to say to KIDS.
You should google Dr. Richard Warshak. His site has great materials to help kids counter PAS. There's a great DVD called "Welcome Back Pluto" that helps kids who are being/have been PASed. You should buy some of those materials for your SKs (especially SD).
I think your DH should sit down with each kid individually and say, "SD/SS, you know the world is so huge? I love you even more than the huge-ness of this world and always will. I wouldn't change having you as a son/daughter for anything. And I will always feel that way about you, and love you even more than the huge-ness of this world, even when you're an adult. You are the best son/daughter I could ask for, and it's my honor to be your daddy."
Choking how the hell do you
Choking how the hell do you stay relatively sane??? I think I'd lose my mind in your house. But interestingly I have a morbid curiosity that I actually WANT to come over & babysit for you for a day with all your kids.
LOL. I think you need your
LOL. I think you need your own reality show. I'd be glued to the marathon.
No matter how long I had to
No matter how long I had to deal with an in my life example of it, no matter how many examples of it I see on this site, I still have yet to comprehend how these supposed parents can sleep at night while inflicting this type of psychological damage onto their own CHILDREN!
"Society has made lepers out
"Society has made lepers out of deadbeat is time we do the same to PASing BMs."
Oh my God. What a nightmare!
Oh my God. What a nightmare!