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whoa_nelly's Blog

the ankel strikes again

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:sick: we call BM The Ankel cuz an Ankel is 3 1/2 feet lower than an a$$ hole. The Ankel has decided that SS10 is now all of a sudden her big ticket, that he is going to go on the be a MLB baseball player and support her once her child support runs out. Come on really!?!?!?! He is freaking 10. Anyway, as he is her big meal ticket she has gone from ignoring him and giving all the attention to SD7, to paying attention ONLY to him. When he is with us she calls, no kidding 3 - 4 times a day.

how do you handle rude remarks

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How do you handle rude remarks from the skids? SS10, since christmas, has been steadly making more and more rude remarks. They started out as pretty general, something along the lines as asking me what was happening in a movie, or what was in a meal ect and ending with a remark along the lines of your wrong and you don't know what you are talking about. Looking back I am sure he was testing boundaries, but I did not want to fall into the evil step monster catergory so, against my usual nature of standing up for myself, I have let the comments roll off.

i feel my evil twin coming on

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You ever have that happen? She steps in, goes off in some embaressing maner and then disappears again for another 6 months or even years? We are on a spring break vacation with ss10 and sd7. Yesterday ss10 started being in general rude and surly. I disengaged and ignored him, however, this morning, right off the bat he starts in again. I feel the evil Nelly itching to take a step forward and really put him in his place......aaatttttggghhhhhhhh!!! Thanks for letting me vent!!!


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}:) the skids are gone back to their BM's for another week and I am happy!!! Hubby and I both work shift work (swings) and I happen to have weekends off at the moment so when the skids come its mostly me watching them. Thanks to CS we currently live in an apt with a really snarky downstairs neighbor that calls the police to make a noise complaints at every loud foot step (luckly we know the police and they just laugh at the situation). So long story short the skids have to be quiet and I feel bad for them for that. The last couple days I have ran my butt off doing stuff with them.

sd7 eating..or lack of

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SD7 has gotten into this new routine of refusing to eat dinner whenever they are alone with me. I have done the sit at the table until you leave thing several times and tonight I have de :? cided I have had it. She has eaten a handful of salad, a half a noodle of chicken alfredo, and a nibble of bread. I decided I did not want to spend my t :? ime fighting with her and put everything on the counter, and told her she can't have anything else until she eats and walked away. She is currently pouting....does that make me the wicked step mom of the west?

monster advice

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Hi guys, I could really use some advice. We have had on going issues with the ex leaving us out of the loop on important info. Unfortunatly, she is the custodial parent so that seems to mean to the school, sport coachs ect that well....we don't live on this planet. I know that some dad's are not involved with their kids but my hubby is, all the time. We are always at the school and sporting events, and he does everything within his power to be actively involved in their lives.

naked pics...i think not,freak!!!

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Ok..before I start on my vent let me apologise up front as I am typing this on my cell. About a week ago I posted about issues with SD7 making disrespectful comments that I believe is coming from her BM. I got some good advice, however, BM is a force all her own. BM is the epitome of scary divorce psycho ex stories.


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Ok here we go....I am looking for advice, support, and knowledge. Smile I am a brand new at being a mom of any sort, I enjoy kids, have always wanted kids, but did not have any in my prevoiuse marriage (blessing in disquise). So here I am at 30 years old and a part of a "blended family". For the most part I get along well with the kids 1 boy (10 yoa) and 1 girl (7 yoa). And for the most part hubby and I agree on parenting styles.