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whoa_nelly's picture

}:) the skids are gone back to their BM's for another week and I am happy!!! Hubby and I both work shift work (swings) and I happen to have weekends off at the moment so when the skids come its mostly me watching them. Thanks to CS we currently live in an apt with a really snarky downstairs neighbor that calls the police to make a noise complaints at every loud foot step (luckly we know the police and they just laugh at the situation). So long story short the skids have to be quiet and I feel bad for them for that. The last couple days I have ran my butt off doing stuff with them. We went horseback riding, archery shooting, played basketball and disc golf and played at the park. Aside from doing all that, I am doing it with a couple hours of sleep since this is outside of my current sleep schedule. Today, I am pooped and decided to let them entertain themselves. So of course about noon SS10 is talking about how he can't wait to go home because he is sooooo bored and they haven't done anything this weekend. Trying to get his critical thinking skills going I ask him what he would be doing at BM's right now and his answer is that he sleeps and plays video games on the weekends that he is with her. So I remind him of all we have done and 15 minutes later he is excited to go home again because he is soooooo bored...aarrrgghhhhh!!! @#+$-%_^/(%$#@!^^&*(.... would love to tell him to go to hell and take BM with him.... of course I don't. Just pisses me off that I do all of this for them to not appreciate it and only want more. Ggrrrrrr aarrrrgghhhh!!
Looking forward to a bubblebath and a glass of wine!!


whoa_nelly's picture

Amen sista! I relize kids are kids and I probably shouldn't take it personally, but it is so hard not to! }:)

Disengageme's picture

Sounds like ss doesn't appreciate all you do. I've worked swing shift before and that alone is exhausting. Next time I'd let bm keep the kids and do something for myself if possible. If you have to keep them while your so works I'd make sure not to take em anywhere and when he complains I'd say well you were bored with any activities that I took you out to do so I thought you'd like to stay home. It sounds like he doesn't appreciate what you do for him. You sound like a good step mom. I've grown resentful due to my dh's refusal to parent my ss11. 

Disengageme's picture

Sounds like ss doesn't appreciate all you do. I've worked swing shift before and that alone is exhausting. Next time I'd let bm keep the kids and do something for myself if possible. If you have to keep them while your so works I'd make sure not to take em anywhere and when he complains I'd say well you were bored with any activities that I took you out to do so I thought you'd like to stay home. It sounds like he doesn't appreciate what you do for him. You sound like a good step mom. I've grown resentful due to my dh's refusal to parent my ss11.