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the ankel strikes again

whoa_nelly's picture

:sick: we call BM The Ankel cuz an Ankel is 3 1/2 feet lower than an a$$ hole. The Ankel has decided that SS10 is now all of a sudden her big ticket, that he is going to go on the be a MLB baseball player and support her once her child support runs out. Come on really!?!?!?! He is freaking 10. Anyway, as he is her big meal ticket she has gone from ignoring him and giving all the attention to SD7, to paying attention ONLY to him. When he is with us she calls, no kidding 3 - 4 times a day. None of it is important stuff its calling and asking him what new toy he wants and asking "is everything ok?" As soon as he answers the phone, like she is going to come save him from an evil monster. Poor SD7 is lost as she is used to being the princess, and SS10 is acting out when he is with us. DH tried nicely saying to back off, and she responded back wanting to know if he is trying to keep her from communicating with HER kids as that goes against the parenting plan, and he isn't involved with the kids lives so she has to call and check on them. Wth! And of course when he calls when they are with her she either a) has a fit because he is interupting their time or b) ignores it and sends a text the next day while she is at work saying she just got the message.....its amazing how disfunctional her phone is (note the sarcasm). Bbbblllllaaaarrrggghhhhhh!!!!!