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i feel my evil twin coming on

whoa_nelly's picture

You ever have that happen? She steps in, goes off in some embaressing maner and then disappears again for another 6 months or even years? We are on a spring break vacation with ss10 and sd7. Yesterday ss10 started being in general rude and surly. I disengaged and ignored him, however, this morning, right off the bat he starts in again. I feel the evil Nelly itching to take a step forward and really put him in his place......aaatttttggghhhhhhhh!!! Thanks for letting me vent!!!


sorryilovemydogmore's picture

I think we all do. Not surprising in the least. I think a little flip-out here and there is to be expected. If nothing else, it's like a release valve. And not to make light of an actual psychiatric condition, MPD and related disorders usually stem from emotional stress or trauma - a way the mind tries to protect itself. An evil twim moment here and there is our way of completely shutting down sometimes.