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WalkOnBy's Blog

ASS gets a job

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My curiosity got the best of me and I asked DH last night if he had heard anything from ASS.

Frank got ASS a job at the grocery store where he works. As a bagger/cart getter guy.

ASS apparently said it's beneath him.

Ba ha ha ha ha ha!! No, it's really not, kid Biggrin

The ASS Chronicles - FREEDOM!

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Well, almost. Everyone is off at graduation while I am sitting on my front porch enjoying the lovely day. I've gotten most of the laundry done, most of the cleaning done and now I'm just enjoying the silence.

After graduation, they will come home, load up my jeep, and take off for the west side of the state.

That's right, no more ASS!

He has packed up his clothes in boxes, according to DH. I have not stepped foot in that room today and I will not until he leaves.

The ASS Chronicles - T minus 2 days!!!!

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Scene - master bath, 7:00 am. DH is standing at his sink while Sheba drinks from the faucet. I am at my sink, asking Sheba why she always uses DH's sink and never mine. She doesn't answer.

Me - I see on the calendar that your car will be going to the dealer on Sunday night? (DH got sideswiped in a parking garage)

DH - yeah, gonna be a long day.

Me - Yeah, I should say so. Graduation, packing up my Jeep, driving to MedusaTown and back, then dropping the car off???

DH - yeah, maybe you and DD25 can handle that while I am driving to and from MedusaTown?

Blog hog today - but what the what???

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Who IS the man who looks just like my husband living in my house???

Background - a couple weeks ago, DH asked Therapist for a referral for BabyVoice. Yep-FINALLY!!!!! Therapist texted me the referral, and I passed it on to DH. He made a phone call, that person wasn't taking new clients, so he asked her for a referral. He got one, called her. That was the last I heard about it.

My ears, my ears - WTF is that noise????

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I walk in from a long day of work yesterday. We are renovating our workspace, and I am the project manager and I had to spend my day dealing with the punch list items, unavailable contractors, complaining employees, not to mention all the stuff that is part of my regular job. Needless to say, I was looking forward to a nice relaxing evening.


Holy wah - money money money...

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Since it's the beginning of the month, I decided to log in to the state website and see how much Medusa owes now....


Total $8,477.19

her monthly amount decreases at the end of this month due to ASS aging out, so she will get a slight break, but she still has all $8477.19 to make up.

The ASS Chronicles - T minus 4 days

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Scene - my bathroom this morning. I am at my sink getting ready and DH is at his sink getting ready.

Me - so, are we still on for the Big Move Out on Sunday?

DH - yep

Me - I have noticed that ASS has not yet begun packing up his shit

DH - I know

Me - Just so we are on the same page, he IS aware that it's going down on Sunday, right?

DH - yep

Me - and he DOES know that he needs to clean out his room and pack up his shit, right?

DH - yep

Me - and YOU are aware that he has done none of that thus far, right?

DH - yep

The Return of Disney Dad

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Scene - my kitchen on Sunday morning. I am cleaning up the breakfast dishes. DH walks into the kitchen.

DH - so I was thinking about giving BabyVoice some chores to do in exchange for an allowance

Me - mmm hmmmm

DH - yeah, I was thinking about her loading and unloading the dishwasher every day and also getting all the garbage on Wednesdays nights, putting in the garbage cans and then taking out the trash Wednesday night.

Me - mmm hmmmm

DH - yeah and I will give her $20 a week

Me - WHAT????? $20 a week for THAT??

DH - yeah, too much??
