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WalkOnBy's Blog

Well, well, well - an ASS update UPDATE TO THE UPDATE

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text exchange between DH and me this morning

DH - talked to ASS. He is coming to live with my parents then going to LocalCommunityCollege

me - Wow! That was fast....License? When will he start school?

DH - Still more to figure out but he gave up on living in MedusaTown, so that's good

me - did he call you?

DH - Yes. I haven't talked to my parents yet, but he did. They are out of town

me - Wowee wow wow. told ya so....

DH - yeah, yeah, you were right. you really always are and I both love that and hate that, you know...

ASS and the Final Countdown

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First time with Therapist in a long time last night. We spent the session talking about. what else, ASS and his impending departure from Frank's house on the west side of our state.

He has to be out by August 17 - Frank's family is taking a small vacation before he leaves for college and ASS is not invited. We know from the monitoring software that he has been scouring Craigslist looking for a room to rent. The hitch? It has to be within walking distance of the grocery store where he works, as he doesn't have a drivers license, and it has to be affordable.

Can a narcissist change her stance???

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DH finally got a small child support payment today. Medusa is still over 8K in arrears and I have been checking MiSDU religiously looking for the new Income Withholding Order. ASS aged out according to the state of Michigan once he graduated from high school in early June. Per the state, support is paid for the entire month, regardless of when a child turns 18 or graduates, so the new IWO should have been done in early July.

A little story about bread - OR - call me Jean Valjean!

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Saturday I went to the market to pick up groceries for the week. Apparently, we needed bread. I don't eat bread, so I never pay attention to whether or not we have any. I didn't know we needed bread, so I didn't get any.

There were a few things I couldn't find at my local market, so I made plans to go to another market later on that day or possibly on Sunday. I ended up going to the other market on Sunday, late in the afternoon.

Oh, BabyVoice.....and, GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR, DH

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So, DH decided to give BV two chores a week and pay her for them. I don't agree with this, but it's his money, so whatever....

What are the chores, you ask?

1. Take the garbage out Wednesday nights
2. Bring garbage can/recycling bins back to the garage on Thursdays
3. Empty the reload the dishwasher each day

She gets $20 bucks for these obviously demanding and grueling chores.

The ASS Chronicles

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Ha! This just in - so I'm sure you guys remember that we have monitoring software on ASS's computer. Now that he has the computer back, DH is back to being able to see what ASS is journaling.

Apparently, he's calculated how much money he will make at his grocery bagging job and determined it's "not enough to survive." No shit.

He wrote "maybe I should just go to college." BA HA HA HA!!

He then went on to write "but then they will know that they were right." Yeah, we already knew that, ASS.

This morning in my kitchen....

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backstory - BabyVoice now has chores and an allowance. $20 a week to take out the trash and bring the cans back and load/unload the dishwasher each day. I know, I know, far too little work for far too much money, but not my circus, not my monkey. BabyVoice had her 8th grade celebration last night and the 8th grade trip to an amusement park (in Ohio) today.
