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WalkOnBy's Blog

Raise your hand if you're surprised - I certainly am not...

WalkOnBy's picture

I get the mail on Saturday as DH and I were headed out to a party at a friend's house. The usual fliers, magazines, blah blah blah and then, I see it. A letter from the MedusaCounty Friend of the Court. NEVER good news - lol!!

So, I ask DH if he wants me to open it and read it to him - he was driving and he said, "ugh, sure?"

"Our records show that as of 1/4/2017, your case 07-XXXXX-DM with Medusa shows a past due balance of $9300.74. We are not receiving payments on this account.

Sheba Update

WalkOnBy's picture

Well, a week of antibiotics and a food switch has her acting like a kitten again Smile

She did NOT like either prescription brand but I did find a low protein non-prescription brand that she adores called Spot's Stew. I also took another stab at a fountain, and she watched me set it up, walked over and started drinking from it right away.

ASS update

WalkOnBy's picture

So, DH was going to take the skids to ASSState yesterday, but because of the snow storm, he ended up going on Saturday.

I didn't ask about anything because I don't care, but here is something DH said to me is passing as we were laying in bed last night..

DH - so, while we were at dinner, Karate Kid said something about how he sometimes feels that he isn't really living, like he sometimes feels this is all a dream and he hasn't woken up yet.

Me - when did he become so emo??

Sheba update

WalkOnBy's picture

Talked to the vet last night. She did have some bacteria in her urine, so we will keep her on the antibiotics for the rest of the week.

The bad news is that it's her kidneys - when she was there two months ago, she was at the high end of normal and now she is in the beginning stages of kidney failure Sad

No thyroid issues, no diabetes. I will be switching her to a low protein diet of wet food. She will be thrilled, I am sure.

Need some kitty love for Sheba :-(

WalkOnBy's picture

Tuff knows about this, but nobody else does.

Sheba has not been well. She is throwing up a lot and she is still having some urinating outside the litter box issues.

Monday night, when I got home from work, she just didn't look right. Her eyes were kinda odd, her ears were really hot and pinned back and she was crying.

I took her to the vet who did a diabetes test (negative) and also a kidney and liver panel. I will get the results of those today.
