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I Think This Goes Out to JustAnotherSM

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Been lurking lately as the job has exploded! They sent my coo coo co-worker packing to another office and she is still mourning the fact she no longer supports the "handsome men in uniform" dept. Did several scenes from "Sunset Blvd" including a "farewell tour" of ALLLLLL her FRIENDS in the "handsome men in uniform" dept, but I digress.

I think it was JustanotherSM who got "busted" when her SD found and printed out her blogs to show DH. At which time he freaked out.

O/T It's Official: My Daughter and Her Husband are Moving to Pennsylvania!

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Daughter's hubby got a job in Maryland!! He'll be commuting from Southern Pennsylvania to his new workplace. Daughter will be finding a job locally once they're settled in.

They'll be moving the middle of this month. I can't help but feel a bit wistful!!

My grown son lives with his fiancee about two hours away; biodaughter will be moving about 4 1/2 hours a way. Not too far, but you know. . . as opposed to an hour away now. . .

I'm sure they will be successful as always. OH and my grown kids have NEVER asked me for money! Imagine that!!!!

The House Shitter Turned 12

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And soon his carefully preserved FB account will be turned on no doubt.

He'll be following in the footsteps of his ne'er do well older siblings. And I don't blame him or his siblings--all due to two parents who should have never conceived.

In fact the House Shitter was the "baby-to-save-our-crumbling-for-six-years-straight marriage" (TM)

Yep didn't work out that way. HS will continue to fail academically as the BM is the BFF to her kids and won't make them do anything they find distasteful (i.e. homework, classwork, school attendance)

Chef is being Sickeningly Sweet

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In other words, not his usual self. He offered to take the Christmas decor up to the 2nd floor of the garage. . . :jawdrop:

Normally I get all the decor out, put it up, take it down and put it back on the 2nd floor of the garage. . .

As I've mentioned before, he desperately wants to get on my health insurance here at work; the only way he can do that is if we get married.

My 2015 List

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1. Get promoted (applied for the promotion today--I've been told it's pretty much a lock)

2. Learn to acclimate to the new roommate (co-worker-who-would-have-made-a-great-psycho-BM is ALMOST out)

3. Buy rental property

4. Continue to resist Chef's request to get married so he can get on my insurance and escape the Obamacare tax for not having health insurance.

I Can't Remember Who Coined the Phrase "Featureless" or "Red Faced Magee. . ."

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but both those names describe my skids to a TEE!!

All three, no lips (get that from Chef)
Big round jawless, chinless, no bone structure pasty faces with two dots for eyes (the BM's and Chef's features)
Big noses (once again Chef and the BM)
Get red/purple faced when enraged or told "no." (again a Chef trait)

These kids never stood a chance!!

Over the weekend, I called Chef "Red Faced Magee" and started laughing uproariously!

He looked puzzled. . ."Where did you get THAT?"

I told him it was an old looney tunes cartoon character.

SD takes a photo of her clan being Pious at Christmas Church Service

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Surprised the crucifix didn't burn her and her mother's retinas, but I digress.

It's a "line up" photo with SD16 in the forefront hogging most of the camera, behind him is the shiftless OSS18, then comes YSS stb 11, then the BM and waaaaaay, waaaaaaay at the very end was a quarter of the face of Big Bucks Stepdaddy. Posted on the Gargantuan Amazonian BM's FB wall! ALL of the BM's clan are glomming on saying what a GREAT photo it is. NONE of Big Bucks Stepdaddy's clan commenting at ALL!

Oldest Half Brother of Chef Calls Out of the BLUE!

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The brother that has stood up for Chef the most and that we haven't heard hide nor hair from for almost two years now phoned up last night.

And, like his son, Chef's full grown late thirties nephew, called because he WANTED something.

He first tried calling me, but I didn't hear my phone ring because Chef was having one of his work rants and was so loud, he scared the cats.

Apparently, oldest bro got a kindle and wanted to know how to connect it up to his wireless. Which I could have told him over the phone how to do.
