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thinkthrice's Blog

Watching the Show on Sugarbabies I got to thinking. . .

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The Sugarbaby said she keeps in business due the wife getting fat, wearing sweatpants, no longer wearing makeup and flirtatious clothing.

SO for equal time, think of all the UNdesirable things your man does. Now ask yourself; would he do these things if he were DATING you?

If you have a whole trail of NOs, you got yourself a BAIT and SWITCH!!

Of Mice and "Men" (Hurrah for My Two Cats--Not So Much Chef)

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My two cats cornered a rodent this morning. This time of year they are very good at spotting mice and hunting them down. This morning was no exception. Ilive out in the boonies and probably about once a month, they find a mouse in the house. The only thing I would say is not so great is my younger cat "presenting" the often still alive prize on top of the bed for me to examine.

Election Day (U.S.) Funny--Chef Blows Voting!

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I get home at around 4:25 p.m. (left early that day so I could head out to vote earlier--it gets dark here quick now)

I see by my "secret" GPS program that Chef had been home for over an hour before me and cooking dinner (which I must give credit where credit is due; it was one of the best roast chickens I have ever had).

He was also tying one on as usual. And yes, he drinks and drives. He asks me if I want a "beer for the road" (on the way to the polls) I say "no thanks."

Speaking of Dr. Phil. . .

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Did anyone catch yesterday's show?

*disclaimer* seen through the eyes of a completely cynical and used stepmom

So it was tragic that "Chris" the husband died of an overdose, but viewing it as a Post Traumatic Step Disorder survivor, some stuff jumped out at me:

1. Toni the young wife, didn't seem all that broken up about Chris' death (thank GOD she never had children with Chris)

2. Toni blurted out that Chris HATED Stepmom TO Sandy the Stepmom

The Wheels of Downward Mod Move S-L-O-W-L-Y

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Hello everyone from Golden Uterus Land otherwise known as New York State. So the paperwork for the downward mod went in on 10/22. No receipt given in Podunk NY; not like the county I live in next to it or any other county that I've ever lived in.

I called them today since I haven't heard a thing since--I pretended to be a BM asking for an upward mod so that I could get the kid glove treatment.

NYS Downward Mod--Even the OLD Form is OBSESSED with Health Insurance . .(General Rant)

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Backstory: The BM and skids used to be on Chef's health insurance. At time of the split, he had a job with a major, global company so health insurance was relatively low cost. When they divorced, the BM still tried to sneak onto his health insurance a year later.

For Any Of Those Of You Who Need To Monitor Skid's Phone/Tablet/Computer Activity. . .

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Heard about this on the Kim Komando show. Yeah there's a monthly monitoring fee, but this app seems to do it all without the "target" being able to turn it off or go around it.

Might be worth it for those who want to keep track of their skids "activities."

Well It Passed the Clerk's Sniff Test in Podunk, NY

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Turned in all the paperwork for the downward mod. The old financial affidavit seemed to pass the clerk's sniff test. She went down the list checking for completeness.

She did question the health insurance part. I let her know that health insurance is being carried by the Behemoth BM due to the fact she works for NYS Child Protective and the skids are on her cadillac benefits (in so many words).

"I Never Said That" (General Rant About Men's Selective Memory)

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So today I reminded Chef that he said several years back:

"I'm sooooo glad that the BM doesn't keep dragging me back to court like all those OTHER fathers!"

My response at the time was: "She couldn't take you back to court; you are already paying WAAAY over the max voluntarily"

Well Chef said "I never said that--you are imagining things again!"
