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Ode to my Fakebook Account--SM Merit Badge for Self Preservation (Blog Hog Alert)

thinkthrice's picture

Who's got one? To keep on top of the next evil machination of the BM and/or skids when there is ZERO communication and just a governmental bill for matriarchy supp...errr I mean "child support?"

If I didn't have my fakebook acct, I would have never found out that Pumpkinhead (OSS18) emancipated himself by moving out of the Girhippo's.

Or all the times that Dominatrix (SD16) simply skipped school.

Or the many, many times that the Gir allows Dom to stay over at friend's houses during the school week (classroom attendance, homework, classwork OPTIONAL)

Or the totally inappropriate photos that Dom posts.

Or the laugh when finding out that the Gir actually encouraged Pumpkinhead to pursue ROCK STAR as a valid career choice, knowing full well that he has NO musical talent whatsoever.

Or the half assed "parenting" the Gir does when the Dom posts that she is going to defy the NYS driving laws and only StepDaddyBigBucks tries to tell her otherwise--with ZERO backing by mommykins.

Or now that the Gir and her battleaxe mother have once again joined in a partnership to create a catering business--something that might draw Pumpkinhead (OSS18) back to the nest where the Gir can get back CS for him again.


Willow2010's picture

Actually your post always make me sad for you. I could understand looking at their FB every now and then. But as much as you know about ALL of them, I assume you look every day if not several times a day.

You seem so obsessed with your SOs former family. You know their grades, what they eat, where they eat, who they hang out with, what kind of days they have in school and MUCH more.

It has been 5 years since your DH abandoned his last kid right? And he has not seen any of them since he took him home because he would not eat meant loaf right?

They have been out of your life for 5 years. You act like they are still right in your home..I think you should try to let some of this go. You don't even have stepfamily issues any longer but you still stalk them to the extreme.

I am not bashing you I am just saying that maybe you would not be so annoyed by them if you did not stalk them so much. JMHO.

bearcub25's picture

I have a stalker acct, but also have 2 skids that are minors and still a part of our lives.

Willow is right, I realize you are taking satisfaction in seeing the bitch go down, I too admit I am drawn to that guilty pleasure, but if they aren't in your lives, let it go.

My BM hasn't had internet or a smart phone since January. It is amazing how much less I think about her or even care bc I'm not looking at her FB or hearing DSO phone constantly buzz when a text comes fact, I didn't realize how it was coloring my own world by doing it daily.

thinkthrice's picture

Looking at the fakebook acct once or twice in a two week period--not sure that counts as obsession.

I'm glad I actually glance at it because had I not, there would have been no downward mod which amounts to $100 a month in savings.

And as others say, you never know when they're going to show back up again. Even if they have been gone for a long time. Like Damocles sword I'd rather be one step ahead of them than taken by surprise.

thinkthrice's picture

Nope, not friends with skids. I tried submitting a request but it was never accepted by Dominatrix. Never tried with Pumpkinhead. Pretty sure once Prince Hygiene (YSS12) gets on there, he'll accept any old friend request.

Just for clarification sake, the stuff I listed has been going on for a culmination of 4 years or so since Dominatrix joined facebook. Not that I gleaned all this stuff in a matter of days by uber stalking.