Sweet T's Blog
ExH issues-venting
So yet another reason why one should never ever ever do anything but what the decree says.
My ex is a master manipulator. He has hounded me for one night to see BS during the week since the ink was dry on the decree. Lately he has been threatening mediation or getting a new attorney. The decree is 1 year old now.
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Very proud former step mom
So today is my brother's 39th birthday. I just got a text from my 17 year old former step son. He asked me to wish my brother happy birthday and that he will always think of my family as his. I texted him back, said I would pass it along and reminded him I love him... he texted back I know :).
At the end of the day I guess I did something right :).
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OT- what do you call this
I value this groups opions, so I want to know what you guys think.
When you are 46 and have been dating for almost a year what do you call it? This weekend my BF of almost 11 months and I were sitting outside relaxing and playing with my dog. I said something and referred to how long we had been dating. He informed me t hat it always makes him feel bad when I say that we are dating. He perfers to think we are in a long term committed relationship.
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What I learned as a stepmom
I don't want to hijack KathC post or come off as a real bitch. I spent 9 years with my mentally ill ex husband. He cost me financially, emotionall, physically. He abused me both mentally and emotionally and when he decieded that being phsyical was the next step it didn't go very well for him.
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Here's a problem I never thought I would have.
So my boyfriend and I have been together 10 months. He is a very nice man who is great to both my son and I. His mom and brother have really welcomed us with open arms. His mom is a bit of a Marie Barone and he and her have had a challanging relationship his entire life. He is a good son to her, but can be a bit abrasive in his responses.
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Crazy Ex H argh!!
So I am going to own this, never deviate from the decree, he asked on Friday if we could meet in the north metro verse his place in the south metro because he was planning on being up there and didn;t want to drive back just to make me pick up BS. I stupidly said yes because it was logical and would be convenient. When I texted on Saturday to nail down where he launched into a non stop campaign or negotiation as he called it for more time and threatening that his new attorney would love our exchange because I was holding on to my animosity.
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Letting go
I had a revelation yesterday while listening to my mom vent about my dad, his not ordering or taking his pills, how she is making him move into the other bed room and many other things. BTW they have been married for 48 long ass years. Not bad people, but not exactly a great example of marital bliss.
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Awesome news!!
Yesterday my awesome BF of 9 months called to tell me that he recieved a local job offer and will no longer be driver over the road after he finally gets back from this last long trip from hell. He will have been gone for almost 4 weeks this time, has had loads fall through, had to wait forever to deliver, pick up and today woke up with either food poisening or the flu.
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Selfish ex H
So as most of you know my ex h is mentally ill and abusive. He is still extreemly lazy and does nothing with the 3 kids when he has them, only manages to perk up when GF#9 ( this year) is around to put on father of the year act. My step sons pretty much take care of all parenting with my BS7 on his weekends.
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The move was a success!!!
I am totally moved, about 80% unpacked. I am just waiting on the dumbass property manager who "managed" ( there is a joke) the rental house I lived in. He went through but then the owners wanted to as well. Asshole stood me up for the walk through Monday morning... he said he sent me a text...to my work phone for pete's sake. Argh!! so glad to be done with this idiot. Now I am just waiting to get my deposit back. The place was cleaner than when I moved in. Here is hoping they don't try and screw me over.
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