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Selfish ex H

Sweet T's picture

So as most of you know my ex h is mentally ill and abusive. He is still extreemly lazy and does nothing with the 3 kids when he has them, only manages to perk up when GF#9 ( this year) is around to put on father of the year act. My step sons pretty much take care of all parenting with my BS7 on his weekends.

Nothing else has come up lately with his threat of mediation of him now not liking his visitation schedule that he agreed to last year, not to mention he lives almost an hour from our house now making it pretty much impossible to do more than EOW any how. Plus he does NOTHING with the kids when he does have them.

So BS 7 got invited to another birthday party ( they keep falling on his dad's weekend Sad ) and he begged me again to tell his dad and see if he would let him go. It is Sunday afternoon. I cringed to do this as I avoid anything that is not outlined in that decree. I did and his response was BS can only go if I give him make up time otherwise no. Well hello, lazy selfish prick. God forbid you have to bathe and leave the house and take your kid to a party for 2 hrs and then spend the time with him afterwards. I am supposed to drive 2 hrs round trip, take him to the party and then make it up to you. Also any make up time would fall into when his brothers are not there so who would actually do anything with BS7 then.

I know it is just a birthday party but everytime you do something for him he just wants more and is ungrateful. I would not have an issue giving him extra time but why so my son can be stuck indoors w/o his brothers and nothing to do just so ex H can have him in his custody.


princessmofo's picture

Extra time? Uh, no. The event falls on his weekend. It's not like you are taking away parenting time from him. Unfortunately, I think you will have to explain to your son that things that fall on his dad's scheduled time will just not be a reality for your kid to attend. Because, as you said your ex is lazy and selfish.

Twat Waffle would do this to us as well. But it was over MY kid's birthdays. We stopped asking a couple years ago after the cloven hoofed one informed dh that, "if we wanted ss to attend my children's birthday parties that we needed to schedule them when they were convenient for her or on our weekends with ss," since she wasn't going to "lose" time. Yeah... she's a special kind of psycho. Who does that?

Sweet T's picture

THe man is a shitty father and plain old selfish. BM#1 and I were emailing because SS17 wants to go to grad parties on that Sunday, so he and SS15 will be leaving early anyways. He has taken him to 1 birthday party fopr his best buddy and he put up a stink because it was his brother's 1 year old's party earlier in the day. I suggested that they could do both. He finally gave in BUT they had face painting at the first party and he showed up with his face done like Gene Simmons. The kids were totally embarrassed by dad.

misSTEP's picture

I can understand your frustration as well as your BS's.

In our case, the judge flat out told BM that anything that fell on the weekends that my DH was supposed to have the skids, it was up to him whether or not he took them. She couldn't just cancel a court ordered visit in order to have them go to things.

I know you want to save your BS from missing something he wants to go to but this is all on your ex. Plus, like you said, you would have to let your BS go over there without the former skids as buffers. That doesn't sound like a good idea.

Sweet T's picture

I totally know it is the case. I wish that these fell on my weekend every time. He doesn't have a ton of friends to do things with outside of school so he is soooo thrilled for these opportunities. Also he has a summer birthday and it is always so hard to get kids to come t o his parties due to where it falls in July :(.

OMG yesterday the prick emails me that he had been storing his old air conditioners and other crap at his white trash cousins place but he has to he emails BM#1 and I to see " If you have any need for them that would benefit BS7 in some way, please let me know and maybe we can work something out." He bought the crap off craigslist and maybe we can work something out??? I emailed back no thanks I have central air...WTF. Can I give you money for your old crap.