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Sunshine1992's Blog

Life update

Sunshine1992's picture

Hi everyone, so it's been a couple months since I moved out and I've still been lurking around the posts here, as the experience I had with my ex boyfriend and his son comes to mind often. I try to be over it but hold on to some resentment. 

Moved into new place.

Sunshine1992's picture

Just wanted to give anyone who is concerned the final update. I now have the keys to my place, so I have a place to stay that is out of this mans house. 

Not gonna lie, going through a lot of feelings ... changes sometimes get to me, my life has been a bit of a whirlwind the past year so trying to digest something else will probably be a little bit hard.


but I'm confident that moving was the right decision and this will give me the clarity I need to figure out the next steps of my life. 

Innocent Kitten being dragged into the situation.

Sunshine1992's picture

So for those who havent read any of my blogs before. I (29F) am currently living with a guy (47m) and his son  (15). Yes, I know the age gap is already a red flag, and although I don't think an age gap in itself is a red flag, in this case the stereotype of the older man is appearing to ring true.


I have recently come to terms with this relationship ending once I move out because I am trying to make better choices for myself at this point in my life which I think is appropriate as I am nearing 30 etc and starting to get my life together a bit. Anywho.

Rant about spoiled and lazy “SS”

Sunshine1992's picture

Ok so I can admit I am becoming a bit obsessed but I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving this place next Saturday and plan on ending the relationship but it seems like the universe is really testing my patience and remaining time with this kid. I'll need to rely on you wonderful people to get through the next 6 days!

things that irritated me about half-wit and his genius father today:

Moving out , update

Sunshine1992's picture

So, a lot of people were really awesome and supportive when I posted last month. I came back from vacation and started looking for a room to rent, and I found one. I still have one week living with bf and his son, but my anxiety is so much less knowing that this will not be my home in a week. 

Apparently I need to try harder.

Sunshine1992's picture

So my bf had his brother over the other day and it was my first time meeting. We were talking about a lot of things and the ss15 came up. Brother agreed with my about discipline issues, he was completely appalled th that my bf allowed ss 2 months of vacation at the beach after failing school and having to repeat 8th grade for the third time. 
