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Bfs sons behavior rly getting annoying.

Sunshine1992's picture

I've been dating a guy for a year. His son is 15. He's been separated from the mom for about 13 years and son lives full time with my boyfriend, his father. 

ive sort of hit a point where I'm getting fed up and irritated with how my boyfriend parents his kid. I'm lucky  in the sense that the boy has no disrespect toward me that I've observed, but I am starting to resent how helpless the boy is because cleaning up after him falls on me at times. We have a basic help how are you how was your day relationship, even after a year. He is extremely short even with his aunts and uncles. He's also irresponsible, lazy even for teen standards, and pretty sneaky. 

im a teacher and I've taught high school, babysat kids all my life, have 3 little brothers and I have never seen a being as helpless as bfs son. He asked me to heat him something in the microwave. He constantly leaves bottles wrappers plates etc just anywhere thats convenient for him. He does not help with anything around the house in any way shape or form.  Today I witnessed him speak very rudely to his aunt and hand her something he didn't want to hold like she's the garbage can. He told his grandmother to fuck off the other day. And his father doesn't believe any negative comment about his kid which is so frustrating. My bf never really says no to anything the kid wants even though the kid does not really respect the bare minimum that his father asks like picking up the phone or coming home by 1am (he's 15?!!) He talks to him as if he's 7 years old . It's great to be sweet with a kid but when he's constantly trying to pull one over on his father I see right through it and it makes me have a very bad taste in my mouth. He does not do any single household chore and he cannot even manage to pass any classes.The kid is drástically behind his peers in social, emotional, intellectual, and academic development. 

despite this every time I try to give my bf some advice he doesn't really listen. He doesn't even listen to his sister who he's extremely close with when she tells him how he needs to step up the discipline . When I bring up my concerns my bf pretty much blatantly ignores me or tells me not to get involved. I live with them so I think i should not have to clean up after the kid to such an extent, I think he should meet us halfway. Am I being unreasonable?? Thanks !!


SteppedOut's picture

Yea... this is not going to change. 

Love is not enough. Your bf doesn't RESPECT you.


JRI's picture

I'd move out and throw this one back.  It would drive you nuts trying to improve things and it wouldn't work, anyway.

superlado's picture

This kid is never going to launch with such crappy parenting. Why waste your precious time and energy telling his dad his son's faults when he doesn't care.  

shamds's picture

Minus the swearing. It got to a point with my newborn daughter and 2 days of no sleep that i just broke down and cried. I snapped at hubby because of his behaviour.

he had the nerve to tell his dad at work that it was my job to clean up his dirty dishes. Oh boy did hubby lose his fuc*ing mind and set this boy straight. Somehow his uneducated small town mum gets off acott free fron child negligence and abuse but daddys educated western and foreign wife is the slutty maid. Nope not sitting well with hubby.

any man who or parent who lets their 15 yr old swear at their elderly mum raised a pile of shi*!! Even my 4 & 5 yr old don't talk like this!!

Sunshine1992's picture

Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments and I think you all have a very valid point. Literally just now the kid and grandma are eating and the grandma asks me for a cup of Coca Cola . The kid says nothing. I go to pour the drink for her and the kid is just like staring intently at me like I'm supposed to imagine that he wants a drink too? And then he's like umm one for me too? I'm like why don't you open up your mouth and talk? And everyone has to look at me like I'm the half wit here . 

anyway, I'm tired of this for sure. I'm deeply in love with the father but father is starting to show signs of not full commitment ie making a life together rather than me just joining his already made life. He also does not seem to be a very responsible parent which is another red flag. So my plan is to kind of back off the idea that this is going to work out and gather my thoughts . Thanks 

Sunshine1992's picture

Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments and I think you all have a very valid point. Literally just now the kid and grandma are eating and the grandma asks me for a cup of Coca Cola . The kid says nothing. I go to pour the drink for her and the kid is just like staring intently at me like I'm supposed to imagine that he wants a drink too? And then he's like umm one for me too? I'm like why don't you open up your mouth and talk? And everyone has to look at me like I'm the half wit here . 

anyway, I'm tired of this for sure. I'm deeply in love with the father but father is starting to show signs of not full commitment ie making a life together rather than me just joining his already made life. He also does not seem to be a very responsible parent which is another red flag. So my plan is to kind of back off the idea that this is going to work out and gather my thoughts . Thanks