stayedtoolong's Blog
UPDATE***3rd month away from DH and the STEP MONSTERS.. LIFE IS SOOOO GOOD
I am happy.. soooo freaking happy. I look back at how things were and how I felt.. I can not believe I let this go on as long as I did.
It was abuse. No other way to describe it. I was abused mentally, emotionally and financially.
I had to be responsible for and support 2 kids that treated me like dogshit. Disrespected me. Called me names. Went out of their way to make my life a living hell with lies and bullshit - almost daily.
I moved out.. reached my breaking point and said "I'm gone" - FOLLOW UP AND ADDITIONAL INFO
I didn't put this in my initial post.
The morning SS13 threatened me and I called the cops, the cops told DH to take a drive so they could peak to me in private - jut 20 minutes, but they wanted to know "my plans" - they were genuinely concerned and compassionate.
I moved out.. reached my breaking point and said "I'm gone"
After years of abuse at the hands of my DH and step son, I finally did it. I said "done" and in three days packed up an entire 4 bedroom house (what was mine that is - which was the majority of things), found a place for my daughter and I, got all my utilities lined up, arranged movers for the big stuff and left.
Let me clarify - the abuse wasn't physical - YET. It was verbal, emotional and mental.
OMG.. am I crazy to expect this?
Last Fall DH, without discussing it with me first, had SS16 try out for basketball. While I know, being the lowly piece of crap step mom, I had no veto power, at the very least I expected to be informed of the costs, logistics, etc.. Nope. Not one discussion was had about any of this. Or what the expectations were for me.
Since then, there have been multiple times where, at the last minute, I am being told SS16 needs a ride - we are talking from the morning of, to mere hours before - and I am left scrambling to try to accommodate him or having to tell him no.
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Finances - Stepkids vs My child - the final straw!
I have been on the fence about my marriage for a while. I have two ss's, 16 & 13 - the 16 year old is tolerable, the 13 year old is determined to ruin my marriage any way he can. And it's been working.
Dh is, like the typical dad, blind to the games and bullshit. I get it. Read enough stories, seen enough examples to know it's a universal issue with these guys.
BM is a deadbeat and pays so little in CS that it wouldn't even cover one weeks worth of groceries.. She never contributes to anything financially. She is a joke.
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Anyone else ever thought this "What am I getting out of this marriage?"
So, things have not exactly been the Brady Bunch for me.. it's more like the Manson Family with all the nut cases I'm dealing with..
The other day I was like "what the hell am I doing?"... because seriously, I am getting nothing pleasant out of this marriage anymore.
Who does this?? Need help understanding this behavior.. if it's even understandable!
My ss13 is, for the lack of better words, an asshole.
There are so many characteristics this kid has that make him an asshole, that I could fill up an entire page listing them. But I won't do this because I'm pretty sure most of you get where I'm coming from here..
Anyways.. there is one thing in particular I don't get about ss13. It's his total lack of an ability to "hurry up" even when hurrying up benefits him.
Oh ha ha ha.. you can't be serious, DH?!?!?!
Ok, I like pretty much everyone else on this site, have a step something I can't stand.
My pain in the ass is a 13 year old man child.
To say we detest each other is an understatement. I didn't start out with this opinion, gave him a fair chance to not be a jackass, forgave him multiple times when he was and finally have tossed in the towel because it is clear this kid has zero intention of every having a relationship with me.
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To all step moms out there..
I used to be on this site constantly and due to some circumstances that life tossed me, haven't been on it in almost 6 months.
I can honestly say that this site has done so much good for my sanity. I didn't feel so alone in my struggles and got support from people going through the same hell as I was.
In the past week, I have had a string of interactions with people who are also step moms and to hear them say the things I am thinking on one hand makes me feel good and on the other hand it makes me want to cry.
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