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Sootica's Blog

Toenail drama one year on....

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January 2015 I posted on ST asking at what age children are expected to be able to cut their toenails. I specifically asked those of you with bios as I don't have any so wasn't sure if I was being unreasonable at the time expecting an almost 13 year old to be cutting his own toenails. I spoke to DH at the time and said I really think he should make sure SS sees cutting his own toenails as part of his personal hygiene routine. DH dismissed what I said and he carried on cutting SS toenails when SS was at our house.

Thank-you Echo

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A few days ago I posted about the ironing situation with DH & SS. I want to thank everyone who commented especially Echo who was really straight talking and gave me some good advice.Quite often when you are in a situation you don't always see the most obvious solution and need an outside person to set you straight.

Parenting 101 strikes again

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I was doing the washing earlier this week & surprise,surprise I found a lighter in SS13 trouser pocket.This is the same kid who stole matches from our house in March & started a fire at school.I told DH & he said he would talk to SS,he apparently also spoke to SS a week earlier when he found out he was selling an e-cigarette at school.So Tuesday SS comes along to us as usual & do you think DH had words with him & gave out a suitable punishment?Of course not!He did however take SS to watch a football game & told him how he had purchased his ticket for the haunt fest t

The ironing fairy has left the building

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I absolutely detest ironing with a passion.When I was single I actually use to refuse to buy clothes if they needed to be ironed after washing. After moving in with DH we split the household chores when we were both working full time.Since I changed my hours to part-time I took on more of the household chores which I am ok with HOWEVER SS generates a ridiculous amount of washing and this means more ironing for me. DH has spoken to SS about this on numerous occasions but he carried on regardless.

SIL's 40th -long rant!

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It is SIL's (Debbie) big 40th party this weekend. This SIL is friends with BM on FB, as well as, in real life. In January when SS13 had his football tournament & both the SILS had an arguement & MIL had an arguement with Debbie,I said to DH afterward I will not be attending the party as Debbie is HIS sister & it makes me ill that she is all buddy,buddy with BM after BM cheated on DH.Where does SIL loyalty lie?

O/T: Another failed cycle

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So have just been notified of my 3rd failed IVF cycle this week.To say I am devastated is an understatement! I can't bare to look at SS right now & have to leave the room when he is around as I feel like I am about to have a full blown panic attack. Please,please can any childless SM tell me how do you cope with skids when you can't have bios, I feel like I am drowning.I feel like such a failure as a woman.

Of course it was too good to be true!

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A while back I posted how DH went off on a 4 day holiday with SS13 & I couldn't go with as the 2 good catteries in our area were full up so I couldn't leave my furkids.I was delighted with this and had a peaceful 4 days enjoying the peace,cleanliness & quiet & the company of my cats.DH came back from said holiday looking totally frazzled as SS had been his usual "charming" self (read spoilt,entitled brat-totally BOTH bio parents fault).

Great party.....not!

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Tonight is SIL's 18th & she is having a party,so DH,SS13 & I attend. Half way through the evening SS starts whinging he wants to go in the next room & play pool. I said ok I'll come with you & DH.DH turns around & says "no if you come we will lose our chairs at the table we sitting at" WTF?! Then 10 mins later gets pissy cos I won't play pool with them.Thanks DH you have just again proved its your little family of 2 with me as an outsider.Not to mention I had to make polite conversation half the night with your other sister who is mates with BM.

No room at the sad....not!

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It's Summer holidays and DH has decided we need to go away for a few days with SS13. It's all last minute as we didn't know if we were doing another IVF cycle this month or next month.Well IVF has been put on hold until next month so of course must arrange a few days of skid worship.Some of you may recall we had a weekend away for MIL which turned into pandering to SS every whim weekend even MIL who adores SS said so-see previous journal entry.
