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The ironing fairy has left the building

Sootica's picture

I absolutely detest ironing with a passion.When I was single I actually use to refuse to buy clothes if they needed to be ironed after washing. After moving in with DH we split the household chores when we were both working full time.Since I changed my hours to part-time I took on more of the household chores which I am ok with HOWEVER SS generates a ridiculous amount of washing and this means more ironing for me. DH has spoken to SS about this on numerous occasions but he carried on regardless.

This Tuesday was the final straw!Baring in mind SS was here on Saturday (not our weekend) to go to SIL's party with DH, the last load of washing was put in the machine on Thursday afternoon and then washing was done again on Tuesday.Somehow between Thursday and Tuesday morning there were TEN loads of washing generated-are you KIDDING me?!! I told DH no more! From now on SS13 stb 14 is in charge of his own washing and ironing this ironing fairy is leaving the building!

Well the laundry basket I've put all of SS clothes for ironing in is now overflowing,will be interesting to see whether he will get ironing this weekend or work his way through every single item of clothing in his cupboard. Oh well not my problem anymore Smile


Tuff Noogies's picture

"eye ronn ing?" what is this expression? }:)

i fold or hang my clothes hot out of the dryer. if they air dry, i do one complete load of *just* those items. after they air dry, i'll pop them all in the dryer with a wet washcloth for a few minutes.

i do own an iron and ironing board, but have not used either in over a year. Blum 3

hereiam's picture

I don't even remember the last time I used an iron. I switched to a hand steamer but I rarely use that anymore since reading about homemade wrinkle releaser. Put a couple of teaspoons of fabric softener (depending on how big of a sprayer) in a spray bottle and fill with distilled water. Spray on clothes, smooth out with your hand, and the wrinkles fall out. Works like a charm. Your SS should be able to handle that.

Of course, I don't try to see how wrinkled I can get them first by letting them sit in a laundry basket full of clothes, either.

Ninji's picture

I haven't ironed in years, and I have never ironed SO or Skids clothes. If something has wrinkles, I will spritz it with a little water and throw it in the dryer for a few minutes but I rarely even have to do that.