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loveandfitness's Blog

40 days of visitation... Advice would be appreciated

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I'm close to my third trimester with baby#2. I'm stressed out with a lot on my plate. I just completed school and started applying for jobs and am already trying to prepare in case I do land one, not that I expect to get one considering my due date...but you never know. If I do get one I want to move out of where we are staying immediately. I've also been put in charge of various summer activities at church and have scheduled Doctors appointments regularly, and taking care of our BS4.

Nighttime accidents

loveandfitness's picture

DS3 has been potty rained since he was 2 and hasn't had an accident since shortly after. SS9 however, still needs good nights.
DS has never liked to be dirty, so it was a breeze when it came to potty training. He was excited about picking out big boy underwear and his own potty which he used maybe the first couple weeks until he asked to use the big boy potty and I just bought a step stool. I was very diligent when t came to asking if he needed to go and limited liquids at bedtime and he got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Divorce Decree. A.k.a DH got screwed

loveandfitness's picture

I woke up this morning to find DH thumbing through his decree. Apparently because we've asked BM to meet us halfway a few times due to travel complications when returning ss after visitation (5 hours away)she thinks that DH must now start paying half of ss Adderol prescription. (She hasn't paid her part of travel in 8 years and claims it goes to unpaid health bills) The decree is a little hard to understand as far as health care goes so I'm not sure if this is a legitimate request or not after reading it.

I have to Admit....

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Today I was thinking about how everyone's life would be so much better if DH would have just signed over his rights during the divorce.
I know that's a horrible way to think...but...
BM left just 6 wks after SS was born. Due to the court system and all BM's lies that had to be sloshed through, DH didn't even end up seeing SS until he was more than 18 months old.

BM called CPS

loveandfitness's picture

Everything was nice and calm for a couple of months.
I have to say, while SS8 was here for the Holidays I was pleasantly surprised as he was MUCH better behaved than he has been in the past. He wasn't perfect, we still had to ask/tell him things a million times, and his manners were still not great, but there were no outbursts, or stealing, or lying or general ugliness this time around. I even told him and DH the same while we took him home after his visit, and I'm not one to hand out random compliments.

BM Divorcing again.... and offering to discuss court order?

loveandfitness's picture

Poor SS8 will be going though yet another divorce by his crazy BM. He's already so messed up I shudder to think what this will do to him, especially if BM doesn't get custody of his two little sisters. Not that I think she should have custody of any of the kids, but the three of them have grown up together. I've met the SF several times, as he was always the one who showed up at the door when we picked up SS8 for visits, and was always the one who seemed to have the level head.
