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loveandfitness's Blog

New Home, new anxiety

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Well, we just closed on a house.
DH insisted on a more expensive four bedroom in hopes that SS will want to move in with us once he's old enough choose.(read my thanksgiving post about the surprise "i wanna live with you" speech.)
Although the thought of him moving in has been giving me nightmares and I can feel the anxiety setting in, I was initially okay with it. A guest bedroom would be nice right? Or maybe a playroom?

Happy New Year travels

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I am seething. We've had a Pretty good holiday celebration with my side of the family out of town. When it came time to go home and drop off ss in his home town on the way to ours ( my family is in another state and ss town is in between) dh texted bm to let her know we were leaving. She responded okay. Halfway through the nine hour drive she texted that she's sorry but she's Out of town and can't get back and the cd says he's supposed to keep him until Sunday anyway so she's gonna follow that.

SS wants to live with us...

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Sat down to a lovely thanksgiving meal and halfway through DS tells SS "After you go home I won't see you for a long time."and SS casually responds with "well when I'm 12 I'm gonna come live with you..."
Apparently DH told him last visit that when he turns 12 he can come live with us. That it's only "fair".
Not only was yours truly excluded from this conversation between DH and SS but when DH had mentioned it to me it was a quick conversation that was to be continued because I have *ahem* a lot of concerns.

Summer visitation over!

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Finally...... Such a huge weight lifted. So here's the skinny, visited DH fam then my fam. Satan spawn cried half the time we were away and moped around because he missed his sisters birthday. I pointed out that he never even calls on DS birthday, to which I got no response. Same things as in the previous post apply.... The bed wetting sidnt get any better. We bought him plastic underpants and nighttime adult poise paDs. He Wouldn't bathe ( pretty sure he took all of four showers in two and a half weeks) or wash hands or put the toilet seat up and wash his hands without being told.

Update Is DH hiding Something

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So DH came home that day and announced he'd deleted everything and printed off the pictures I wanted for me. Then said "I know that's not why you're upset, it's the way I acted; but I promise I didn't download those pictures and I'm sorry for being a Jerk"
"Why did you get so upset if they weren't yours? That's suspicious... what would you think if I'd acted that way?"
"Well I'm just stressed..... yard yada, beat around the bush with no straight answer"
Later I went through hid computer and and didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

Preteen bed wetting

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SS10 just went to camp for a few days, it's welcome break I've gotta say, and it's only been two days.
I went in to get laundry from his room to find a huge mess, and an even worse smell immediately when opening the door.
He didn't pick up any of his toys like I'd asked him the night before (since he left early in the morning.) and DH didn't check anything before he let him leave.
He also didn't bother to tell anyone he'd wet the bed, so it sat there all day until I went in for laundry and found it.

I MAY be slightly vindictive...

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BM once told SS that I was not "permanent." Since then I take EVERY opportunity to reinforce that I am, wether she likes it or not.
Not that I feel the need to prove anything really, but since she's gonna try her best to make our lives as miserable as possible anyway, why not piss her off in the process?
It's been 5 years and I'm still here. Oh, and pregnant with OUR 2nd. YES, DH is HAPPILY remarried and has TWO kids with ME. No, he will not be divorcing a 2nd time like you.
