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loveandfitness's Blog

Last week of Visitation. Jumping for Joy...

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Last week of SS11's visit. THANK THE LORD. Remember my last post about SS the garbage disposal? Don't get me wrong, I'm GLAD he eats well and eats what I give him.....BUT, I bought over $200 worth of groceries 5 days ago. I bought cheap things like ramen and mac and cheese, but also 3 gallons of milk, 3 bags of apples, 3 bunches of bananas, 2 loaves of bread, giant sized peanut butter and jelly, 6 lbs of chicken, a bunch of ground turkey, rice and beans, and a bunch more, you get the idea.
Guess who needs to go shopping.

Inhale the Positivity

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Rarely do I have anything good to say about SS11, but he's an excellent eater I'll give him that. He will eat anything I put in front of him without complaint, and he ALWAYS cleans his plate. (Unlike DS5 who is extremely picky) He's always excited for dinner.

Bed Wetter allowed water before bedtime

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So most of you know SS11 still wets the bed. His rule at home with BM is no liquids after 7. We've been letting it go until 8 since bedtime is between 8:30-9 and he swears he's dying of thirst.
So tonight I walk in to give DS5 his little cup of water for his nightstand. It's usually the only thing he asks for during bedtime, he'll take a sip or two and be done; so it's part of his nighttime routine now. NBD; but tonight I walk in and SS 11 is chugging a huge glass of water.
"SS you know you shouldn't have that."
"Dad gave it to me."

Is it Too Much to Ask?

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I've spent time with the kids ALL DAY. We played board games this morning, I made lunch and then they had a friend over and we all went swimming for hours. Friend just left. I asked SS11 to go read a book quietly and BS5 to read his leapad books so I can start dinner. Finally some time alone right? No. SS comes moping through and when DH asks what wrong he says "I just don't want to read." DH didn't respond so I said well you can read or play a game... there's plenty to do...or you can sit and be bored, I'm about to make dinner.

Playing "Uncle"

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In case you don't know, SS11 is visiting for the summer. Hooray. I don't let him and DS5 play in their rooms with the door closed, because I don't trust SS.
What just happened only proves why.
I was cooking dinner and DH was playing video games and suddenly we hear DS screaming bloody murder. Ran to his room where he was on the floor and SS was two feet away looking guilty as sin. Asked what happened and he started with "I just...I um....we were playing a game....i......."
DH: "WHAT HAPPENED?! What did you do?"
SS: "well, uh, He hurt himself."

Mini Holiday!

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Spent the afternoon trying to get DH to take DS and SS swimming, which he'd already promised to do. I can't take them because the baby has a fever so I'm staying here. He found all sorts of reasons to procrastinate because he wanted to play video games. "They needed to clean their room, they needed to eat lunch (which they'd already eaten at 11:30), they should read first, how about quiet time with a movie". But he's FINALLY gone and I can have some ME time without DS being wild man and SS being annoying. YAY!! I think I will watch Property Brothers and veg out.

This just happened...

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SS11 has spent the day gushing out to DH everything about BM and her BF. It started with
1. how he wants to live with us next year when he turns 12 but his mom said No, it's her choice. DH explained to SS how it actually works and showed him the CO; that it's his decision as long as he has good reason.

Written All over my face

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I'm just gonna be ridiculously honest. Sometimes I flat out do not like SS11. I'm easily annoyed as it is, and he just pushes it too far. The thing is, I wear my emotions on my sleeve, and I feel....well, I Know....people can see it. I'm not great at hiding it and putting on a loving face. And I'm judged for it. No one (other than family) would ever say anything about it of course, but I can see it in their faces. People will often make comments to him about how cute/sweet he is...but I rarely see that side of him; and even when I do, I'm still annoyed.
