lcooper's Blog
Does anybody else pay CS in NH? Doesn't look good...
Hi, I am getting nervous as we prepare to go to court with BM. As I have mentioned before, she is married to a millionaire and works with him in his business. However, I have been looking at NH state child support guidelines, and I am finding that her income is not even looked at? They go for a flat rate 33% of total income from the non-custodial parent. If that is the case, that will cripple us! I mean, we won't be able to survive, I kid you not. And I cannot find anything that says it will take into account other dependent children, I am preg with twins.
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BM refuses to go see a mediator....
Hi, DH and I are trying to get BM to see a mediator with him so that all can avoid court. She not only refuses, but says that she thinks it will not be fair. A neutral party not fair, what? I think she is just afraid of the mediator pointing out all of her mistaken "obligations" she feels DH owes her, none of which are based on law. So, get this, she has said that she and her husband will draft something up, and give it to DH to see if he is agreeable. Oh yea, I'm sure that will be fair.
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I LOVE MY DH, and can say tonight that I don't regret any of it!
Okay, so my DH obviously did something pretty good, right? Well, as I mentioned in other posts, I finally spoke my mind after 4 years to BM, nothng degrading or diminishing, simply the facts as I saw them. But I had never done that before, so she was none too pleased about it. She is now saying that she is going to take us to court, which we are preparing for. I think it will actually be good, because she has so much money, and we go so above and beyond what is ordered with finances, transportation and visitation, that things may actually finally get to some semblance of fair.
So now BM is going to take us to court.....
I obviously pissed her off pretty badly with my email, because she is already saying that she is going to take us to court, for more money. Now this woman, mind you, if you don't know the history, married a millionaire two years ago. They have a huge house, three new cars, SS has a go cart, SD is taken around in limos with her friends for her birthday, while DH and I sit here in a cramped two bdrm. condo with twins on the way.
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Well, I finally let BM have it....and it felt good! Long post...
So, after nearly 4 years of unfair treatment, accusations to my DH, unreasonable demands and verbal abuse, I FINALLY gave BM a piece of my mind. I used no expletives or unfair language at all, I was perfectly reasonable, and I told her exactly what I thought of her in a perfectly reasonable manner. In fact, it was so good, I think a judge would even approve, good thing, because I sent it in an email.
What is the appropriate response to a sick skid arriving at your house?
Hi, as most of you know, I am pregnant with twins. You may not know, that I am high risk for other reasons as well, past miscarriages and pre-term labor to name a couple. It is important that I remain as healthy as possible during this pregnancy. My question is this, what do I do when skids arrive for their time with DH while they are sick? I am in a very small condo, my SD actually shares a bed with my BD. I have nowhere to separate the sick kids from me and the other well children. Well, last night, my DH shows up with his skids, and SD is coughing her lungs out.
SD downloading large programs onto my computer without permission...
HI, I haven't written in a while, I have just been reading. Things have been reasonably tame here for a while. Until last night, when I started to try and figure out why my work computer was running so slowly. Now, this is the only computer in the house, and it doesn't even belong to me, it belongs to my company. It is supposed to be used for work only, but I let the kids use it as long as they ask and tell us exactly what websites they are going to. My BD respects this, and has never broken the rule, knowing how important this computer is to this family.
Hello All! I write tonight with great news. For those of you who have been following my saga, you know that I am pregnant with twins, and have three others between my own and DH's. We have been desperately trying to rent out our 2 bdrm. condo to move into a place that will adequately house all of us. Well today, it happened!!! The condo is rented! I put an offer on a house that I think will be accepted, and if all continues to go well, we will be moved in before Christmas, best one ever! Best of all, I will have two bedrooms on a whole different level for my skids to stay in.
I feel terrible!!!
Okay, so I said something to my DH that I now feel bad about. I mean, it was the way I feel, but I should have censored it a little bit. A little background, though most of you already know, I am pregnant with twins, have one dauhter 8, one SD 11, and one SS 12. I am currently in a small, 2 bdrm. condo, and am having significant difficulty selling or renting out my condo to move into a bigger place before the twins come. This has put DH and I under a great deal of stress. When his kids come over, it is very crowded and loud here.
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Do I have to consider my SD every time I want to do something special with BD?
Not sure about the PC way to handle this. I want to take my daughter to her first concert, coming up in about a month. Very exciting, this is one of her favorite groups, and I have personally been to one of their concerts, and know it is tame and appropriate for children. So, I mention this to my DH, he says that SD loves the group too, so if BD goes, then SD should go too. I disagree, I very rarely do special things for BD unless it is her birthday. SD has been to MANY concerts of groups that BD loves, with her BM.