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I LOVE MY DH, and can say tonight that I don't regret any of it!

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Okay, so my DH obviously did something pretty good, right? Well, as I mentioned in other posts, I finally spoke my mind after 4 years to BM, nothng degrading or diminishing, simply the facts as I saw them. But I had never done that before, so she was none too pleased about it. She is now saying that she is going to take us to court, which we are preparing for. I think it will actually be good, because she has so much money, and we go so above and beyond what is ordered with finances, transportation and visitation, that things may actually finally get to some semblance of fair.

Anyway, the point of this post. BM sends DH an email tonight totally berating me, just shoving my face right in the dirt. Then, she tries to plead her case to him by reminding him of all of the things she fell in love with him about, all of the things they have been through together, and how she still appreciates all of these qualities about him, and surely, the two of them together, can work things out if he will just look at things her way. Obviously, there were a number of ways DH could have responded to this. Here is what he did, with absolutely no coaching from me, he responds to her email saying that she is way off base talking about me like that, and that their past is just that past, that he has a new life with me, my daughter, and our babies on the way, and we come first, that he is perfectly capable of parenting skids on his own, without guidance from her when we have them, and that at drop off, her turf stops there. He then said that he felt he was going above and beyond legally, and was perfectly willing to consult either a mediator or go to court if she disagreed. He then went on to say that she has so many more responsibilities for the skids because she is the custodial parent, which in his opinion is a privilege, not something to complain about. How awesome is that? He totally, finally, put her in her place. She won't listen, she will just continue to have her tirades on both of us, but that isn't the point is it. He stated pointblank to her where his loyalties lie, and I have never loved him more than at this moment. I hope this is inspirational to some of you! I don't even care what BM dishes out, as long as DH is willing to go to bat for our family, all of us, kids, skids, the lot, like he did tonight. Have a great night everyone.