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katielee's Blog

Update: BIG Changes

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Around 6 weeks ago, BM brought SD12 to our house after she learned my SD had been harming herself. Last week, BM signed over custody to us.

So now everything has changed. I am doing my best to love and help a 12 year old child who is suicidal and more messed up than we ever knew, a child who might not ever love me in return but whom, it seems, only my husband and I can help.

Y'all pray for me. I'm gonna need it.

New Blog - Going to War with Your Stepkids - Part 1

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It was around a year or so ago that I first ran desperate and crying to strangers on the internet about how utterly frustrating and difficult it was to be a stepmother. Thank God for all my online stepmother cohorts. Without them I would probably still be wallowing in confusion and guilt and misguided expectations.

Stuff stepkids do...

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Eats all the Doritos

OR eats all but a few crumbs of the Doritos and puts the bag back in the cupboard so no one can accuse her of eating all the Doritos

Talks about all the good times she had with my husband's ex-girlfriend

Talks about the dog they used to have when DH was still married to BM

Uses waayyy too much toilet paper

Tells the same story a dozen times about how she was stuck watching a scary movie while her mommy and daddy talked out in the workshop

These are just a few examples from this weekend with SD12.

Is this reasonable?

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My SD12 called on a whim last night and wanted to spend the night, even though both my DH and I had to work today. She said her mom would pick her up "early". My DH wanted her to stay so she stayed. I had a migraine all night. (This is following a horrible Christmas day where she showed up with presents for everybody in the house except me and pouted all day long because my baby granddaughters were present and naturally became the center of attention.)

Dealing with Mini-Wives?

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For those of you dealing with do you handle it?

Do you ignore it?

Or squash it ruthlessly?

Or somewhere in between?

What is reasonable? What is not?

I tend to go with the "squash it ruthlessly" theory because I feel like once SD12 knows her place as child rather than wife, maybe we can move on with our lives and try to "parent" her together. But she is holding onto this mini-wife thing with a vengeance. Good Lord, I almost think she's got mental issues.

Applying Principles learned in Fascinating Womanhood to my situation with Stepdaughter

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I read the book Fascinating Womanhood a few years ago and put a lot of it in practice with my previous marriage. Things greatly improved, but my ex had some mental issues so our marriage ended anyway. I really did change, though, since a lot of the principles in the book I brought with me when I met my new husband... I rarely ever nag, I appreciate him for who he is, I openly respect and admire him, I mostly follow his lead in our marriage, etc. I think this is why he ended up marrying me when he was such a slippery, sought-after, mega-confirmed bachelor.

Katielee makes the dogs poop more...

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Ever since I've known DH, SD12's "chore" has been the clean the dog poo off the front porch, where the dogs stay during the day while we are at work. Now SD12 says that I have done something to the dogs to make them poop more, because they never pooped that much before.

Seriously??? It's almost enough to make you laugh what stepkids can find to blame on stepparents.

BM tattling on me to my DH

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Whenever BM gets mad at me, instead of taking the matter up with me she calls and leaves voice messages for my husband (because he won't answer her calls) or texts him. He never takes her side. He's always on mine. But seriously? What's she trying to pull? I am sick I her starting drama then making herself out to be the victim.
