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Karma is a B

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BM just messaged me again asking for an email to send to social services saying SD lives there fulltime so she can get food stamps. I told her she will have to ask DH for that. She messaged him immediately. I could go off on a looooong rant about all the times she's either screwed DH over for money or attempted to. Or all the times she's tried to manipulate both DH and myself into doing favors for her while being a total c*nt in return. But even just given recent events - the fact that she thinks we'd help her out is laughable.

Ohhh is this why BM wanted her fulltime?

Jcksjj's picture

So BM just messaged asking DH or myself to send a brief email that SD lives with her fulltime now so she can get food stamps.

As a reminder, the first thing she said after demanding to have her full time was that she wanted to claim her on taxes.

Maybe get a job BM. And maybe stop being such a cliche by asking for this right after getting a huge tattoo and microblading eyebrows and bleaching your dark hair blond.

A change in perspective

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I had a change in perspective today on a couple recent things in stepland.

The first is that having SD here so rarely makes it much easier to have more compassion for her. When she was here half the time it never was enough time to get past one incident before there was another.

No "steps" allowed

Jcksjj's picture

So yesterday when I had ODS IEP meeting, the few times I said "stepsister" it was repeated back as just "sister." From both teachers on the call. Another time I went to a therapist for myself and she used "daughter" any time I said "stepdaughter."

Are people in those occupations told not to say "step" ?! 

I wonder what MIL was like as a BM

Jcksjj's picture

So MIL was also a BM - DHs oldest sister was raised by her dad and MIL had eowe. After seeing a comment on here, it made me wonder what she mustve been like as a BM. I would imagine awful. The only info I have:

- MIL claims she lost custody because she was younger and had less money than SILs father. From what I've been told, this was unlikely to be the real case back in the 80s.

- DH said MIL is still bitter about it to this day and refuses to talk about it. Her ex did get brought up once when I was there and MIL crossed her arms and pouted; literally like a 2 year old.


Jcksjj's picture

SD has been mysteriously ill and had to stay home from school the day after she got back from our house 3x in a row now.

The first couple times I was slightly suspicious but it could have been a coincidence. But three times in a row? Very suspicious. No one else in our house is sick, she didn't have any signs of illness the day before. Another thing to cry to the school counselor about maybe?


Narcissism on the rise

Jcksjj's picture

Maybe its just me, or my situation. But it seems like narcissism has exploded from an occasional person here and there to like 50% of people around me having high degrees of narcissistic qualities.

All I know is right now I'm so sick of high conflict people and drama that I don't even want to deal with half the people in my life. Obviously there's always going to be something, but it's never been this nonstop before I was with DH.

Another note about SD weekend

Jcksjj's picture

So on another note, BM is still emailing SD all weekend. Actually, SD reports to her first in a manner that clearly says BM told her to. "I woke up at 7:43, I had breakfast 30 min ago,"  that type of thing. Oh yes, the BM who has allowed her to get 21 tardies and 5 absences when they weren't even in school half the year is so worried about what time she wakes up and goes to bed. 

And then there's the innocently prying for more info - "are you going to play outside today?" Etc.

What exactly is she looking for here?


Jcksjj's picture

Just out of curiosity, what do you think the BM you deal with says when people ask her about the step situation? Or what caused the breakup with your SO, etc?

What will this skid weekend bring?

Jcksjj's picture

2 days until this months skid weekend. What I hate the most about it at this point: the anxiety of not knowing what drama it will bring. No matter how much I try to ignore it or give myself pep talks, it's always still there. Which version of SD is going to show up? Is BM going to be preoccupied with something outside of us and leave us alone or be making every pathetic attempt to draw us into being part of her miserable existence? 
