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OT-please read Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

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As this weekend came to a crazy, crazy screeching nightmare, I remembered this book I had read over 14 years ago. I thought I'd find something, anything to help me move through this nightmare of being married to someone with an ex/skids...I had read this when I got divorced at the age of 27 and it brought me so much peace, I learned so much and for 4 years I was doing so very well...and then of course, I ended up tangled in this crazy nightmare again...Which now looking back, it seems that although I did well practicing this for 4 years, it all came crumbling down once I met my DH.

conversation with AHOLE today...

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me: you want me to feel valued, yet you can't ever pay our bills on time, do anything remotely to being responsible when it comes to household duties, incl. paying bills, doing taxes, checking that you don't overdraw a freaking bank account, etc...yet NOT ONCE did you forget to tell me to make sure that I paid your ex-who#$%$#%e her CS money
ahole: it's not that I don't care more about her, but not doing that for her could make me end up in jail...

This f$%$#%#$5ing CS better end next September or I am out!

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So f#$%#$%ing sick of DH not taking care of business...I have to freaking baby sit all his crap and when I finally let it go, because he claims "he will take care of it", he never does...unless of course, it benefits the whor#%#$%$# he slept with and the loser sl#$%^$%t...I hate him so much for causing so much grieve to our family to protect those two hookers...I hate them so very much...every single one of them!

Thanks for letting me vent.

DH finally went to the schools, etc...truancy officer HATES BM lol

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So DH and I ran around trying to get court records, etc. for crazy 17yr old kid...finally ended up at the school...The school secretary called the truancy officer to see if she would speak to DH...the school secretary smiled and said "yes, HER dad is here"...and told DH, "the officer is EAGER to talk to you". So on our way we went to meet the truancy officer. She was SUPER nice. She was talking 100 words per second! lol She was ticked off!

DH got laid off...what will crazy witch do when she doesn't receive a check?

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So, after so much heartache the last few years, we thought we were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Nope. DH got laid off today. Nice, huh? His last check is in two weeks. Thankfully, I just started my contract work about 3 months ago and still have 3 months to go. In addition, today I spoke with my boss' boss, the guy who actually offered me the job and they will probably either extend my contract or try to convert me to permanent. With that said, I am not worried much about US as a family right now, but of course, then there is the CS for the...

Disengage...yes, disengage...idiot prego again and found a mugshot of baby daddy...lovely

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OK, I actually get sick of my DH for not doing a darn thing to protect our family from the morons...basically, if idiot fails, he does nothing because he claims it will just be worse...whatever...that CS better stop at 18 or I will lose it.

So, today, as I KNOW FOR A FACT the moron doesn't live with her mother, I try to find out about emancipation, etc. in Texas...which I find you could possibly get if you as a child file and your parent agrees...hmmm...I guess we'll have to go to a court to check on it...

preggo...again? 17, 9th grade, 56 abscences and baby #2 on the way

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But my DH still has to support this loser kid? Are you kidding me? Anyone in Texas ever dealt with this? One mistake? Yeah, sure...whatever...but now you are on your 2nd baby? Are you crazy? And your dad has to support you...pathetic...Anyone know if we can stop CS in Texas at this point?
