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This f$%$#%#$5ing CS better end next September or I am out!

herewegoagain's picture

So f#$%#$%ing sick of DH not taking care of business...I have to freaking baby sit all his crap and when I finally let it go, because he claims "he will take care of it", he never does...unless of course, it benefits the whor#%#$%$# he slept with and the loser sl#$%^$%t...I hate him so much for causing so much grieve to our family to protect those two hookers...I hate them so very much...every single one of them!

Thanks for letting me vent.


dreamingofhappiness's picture

Are you sure... There is a ton more space to tell us how you really feel.... LOL....

(Sorry, had to try to put a smile on your face.... Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Blum 3 Blum 3 Blum 3 Blum 3 )